
Monday, September 21, 2009

Is Michele Bachmann hurting the GOP?

That's the question. Here.

Then you can read about the Value Voter Summit. Here.

Bottom line: The GOP is hurting.

The GOP is hurting the GOP.

Bachmann is part of the implosion, on the freak show part of the GOP spectrum.

One comment at the first link said Bachmann speaks from the heart.

I see her entire act as being phony as a three dollar bill. All posing. A publicity hound, with a trained voice and a vacuous mind. Barbarians can be cunning, but little else. She belongs on one of those Capital One credit card commercials.

Asking, what's in my wallet? And, what's more for there? That's an impression, a feeling, and we all can disagree. I welcome any reader comment saying he/she would buy a used car from the Bachmanns. Good luck, if you ever do.

Here is my vision of art created with the GOP in mind [click to enlarge].

The Dems have their own disarray. They cannot cast first stones [click to enlarge].

Perhaps my view is politically incorrect by not choosing sides. By seeing demons and fools all over.

No. That could not be.

GOP image, from here. Dems image, from here.