
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The websites keep humming - about a viable DFL candidacy in the Sixth Congressional District. Besides the IP's Mr. Bland, and the IP's Maureen Reed.

This picture is from here - not an apparent Blue Dog in the pack, not any Wetterling staffer or hanger-on able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. A good real DFL bunch:

The site with the photo is a linked adjunct page to Sen. Clark's official legislative site, here. Another adjunct page, Sen. Clark's press releases, is here. Reading a few gives a flavor of one looking to fix things and face issues, not in a strident or divisive way as the Sixth District Rep. now in office operates, but as a unifying force of moderate reasoning (something mirrored in the legislative main page declaration of legislative interests as, "Education, health care, jobs and economic development, strengthening communities"). A law degree from a Minnesota institution, not from a tele-evangelist founded Tulsa site famous for its praying hands statuary. Not a lobbyist ex-preacher never elected to any office outside of City of Blaine; not an MD with lots of clinical and administrative experience, clearly smart, but without legislative experience that goes with running for and winning an elective office.

Why again a focus on Sen. Tarryl Clark?

Because Dem and GOP bloggers this morning were seen to lead the way.

A hat tip to Gary Gross who posted a "too liberal for me" item at; which in turn referenced insightful sluthing by Political Muse, (which but for Gary's attentiveness I might have overlooked), at the Liberal in the Land of Conservatives site.

Anyone too liberal for Gary can't be all bad. And would not necessary be too liberal for others, since Gary's also called the Ventura-appointed former IP MnDOT head a "liberal." Hoping no offense to Gary's judgment, that IP-rooted guy is nowhere near to being liberal enough, for me.

I gave the point-counterpoint links, they are again to the Muse and to Gary, and I will not quote either.

Please, it is worth your time to look at both sites, to be better informed than any quick quote here could yield.

AS AN ADDED BONUS: Go to the Political Muse's site, and take the poll. What poll? Go and see, but it is a voice-a-choice thing about people, with a slight hint, here:

NOTE: A careful reader will see that the 11:15 AM screenshot percentages differ from the noon poll results of 19:17:64 vs. the screenshot numbers above.

So the numbers are changing. Take the poll. Your choice can make a difference.

We can see if we can give Sen. Clark a 315 vote margin in this early polling inquiry.

(Now why would I pick that number out of thin air???)

The Muse's poll has shifted, no masculine gender bias apparent, as this Tue. 14 July 8:30 PM screenshot shows:

Is there analysis now appropriate, or is it too early to tell. Please, no stuffing the ballot box, we want a fair and balanced opinion cross-section. Reed has raised funds, Reed has supporters willing to express their preference, so far the poll shows that - but without any total number of respondents shown. Is it a small sample effect, trending, what? Keep an eye on things, again, the Muse posted it here.