
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sing Along with Michele Bachmann.

And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.

I've lived a life that's full.
I've traveled each and ev'ry highway;
But more, much more than this,

I did it my way.

I planned each charted course;
Each careful step along the byway,
But more, much more than this,

I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall;
[high heels and all]

And did it my way.

UPI online photo, from:

Lyrics from:

Online and from the city with the world's largest praying hands and hosting that esteemed seat of learning, Oral Roberts University, the Tulsa World reports:

10/25/2008 -- Last Modified: 10/25/2008 2:56 AM
WASHINGTON — U.S. Rep. Tom Cole's already bumpy tenure as head of the committee in charge of electing House Republicans has grown a little bumpier.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins is accusing the Oklahoma Republican of abandoning social conservatives right before the election and is calling for a boycott of the National Republican Congressional Committee.

One of the Republican incumbents Perkins claims that Cole is abandoning is Michele Bachmann, who drew national attention recently by saying Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama might have anti-American views.

Bachmann reportedly later expressed regret for that comment, which some believe has hurt her re-election bid.

"You have made a grave error in judgment by pulling your funds from the Michele Bachmann race in Minnesota and the Marilyn Musgrave race in Colorado," Perkins said to Cole in a letter from the Family Research Council Action political action committee. "The left is attacking both of these outstanding women because they are true conservatives. They vote pro-life and pro-family."

See a parallel AP feed, here; see DumpBachmann, here.