
Friday, October 24, 2008

Beyond the suits. Nasser Kazeminy and Norm Coleman. A friend with a plane. A friend in need. A friend indeed.

For a pic of Kazeminy, here.

For ties between the two running into six figures, and that is personal to Coleman, i.e., above and beyond Kazeminy's five-figure giving to Coleman's PAC, see here.

With the "a friend with a plane" story, Coleman junketing via Nasser Kazeminy's jet, and other overlap, there's this in the Nation, and this at MnPublius.

Kazeminy apparently since 1966 has been buying IT small growth firms and opportunities, including cherry-picking from Control Data's gradual demise, see here and search the man's last name. That's going back to the IBM antitrust litigation against IBM, its curiously unique settlement terms, and what from that situation ended up Nasser's semi-private game is also curious. A big push for online banking.

How does that background, litigation support software, online banking, etc., fit any parallel political efforts and history of Coleman? How were the seeds of that friendship sown - my guess being it did not start with use of the plane.

And how do you like those one-liners, "just a friend with a plane," and "between me, my wife, and the firm." As if Nasser were somehow out in the cold, no role at all re the six-figure thing, with "the firm." Perhaps that is actually the case and some appearances are misleading. Opening the books and showing more might silence critics.