
Thursday, September 11, 2008

John McCain's audacity and dishonesty in attacking the media, owned by the likes of Rupert Murdoch.

The headline says it all. The media has willingly let Palin trash-talk distract from the issues that are real and substantial, and stacked in a humungo pile against "More of the Same McCain" and his handlers and hangers-on crew.

The Issues, they surely are not in our McCain camp's favor --- So let's talk Bristol and the boy who got her "in trouble" and how abstinence sometimes fails but things will work out as apple-pie-nice as in an Audrey Hepburn 50's film, no choice needed - by Bristol, by anybody. That's news - coverage polarizing and distracting enough, the plain vanilla Dobson fodder repackaged and reflavored, and the demographics show a good enough polarizing split with Palinesque zealots a-plenty, so we pray, that losing on the issues may just possibly be avoided - if people are stupid enough and the press pliant enough to buy and promolgate our grand deception.

The More of the Same McCain folks surely have gotten the second part, media complicity; so, will you give them the first, stupid voting? Sure you will, if you've tried that GOP Koolaid. Coleman says it's good, and he's tried both flavors.

McCain, while having the "liberal media" attack dog rhetoric out via his handlers, must be overjoyed that, at least for now, he's distracted folks from the tanked economy, Big Oil excesses, the lost unending costly war, and other issues - did I forget to mention job losses and foreclosures and inflation from the dollar's decline due to deficit financing of militarism - the host of things that Obama-&-Biden will be trying to bring back into a rational and realistic focus.

An interesting, though strident source of commentary (admittedly one-sided in presenting facts) about media and media control, "Media Mind Control" as the site calls it, is here, and it is my source of the lead cartoon and the "Write as told" image, and it also has this provocative item which the site page uses as its header image:

I suggest "Beware," is appropriate and not overreaching, because there is truth to it. The programming, the advertising, the political reporting, the political spot ads - it is a shot to the head in a very sobering sense. There's much truth to the "vast wasteland" characterization that Newton Minow applied, back in Kennedy years, before our leader was shot in the head. Newton reportedly has done okay for himself since then as a media lawyer mover-and-shaker and mentor of Barack and Michelle. Certainly better than John and Bobby. Myself, I simply am shocked, shocked, learning that both sides apparently serve Koolaid.