
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hermann Goering asked derisively, "Do you even own a flag?" Not exactly that. He said it in German.

I think he said "Patriot Act," but again, in German. "Fatherland" instead of Home Land. We say Home Land because Goering said "Fatherland" and Stalin said "Mother Russia" and we got left with what was left, the leftovers. Goering did say the following:

See also, here.

Cheney's mentor? On challenging belief and patriotism as a political tool?

W's mentor? Prescott's pal?

This post is in response to a comment pest, (see this earlier post). This anonymous sorry godson of "tailgunner" Joe McCarthy, Charles Colson, and Jack Abramhoff (each owned/used flags as political weapons, but for the latter two flag lapel pins - as potential hand-to-hand weapons - were/are not allowed in prison) ignores that liberty is not owning a flag unless you want to, not having an abortion -- unless you want to, not believing John McCain unless you want to, and not having a moron in the White House, unless you've been outvoted.

By the people.

We have the moron we have because the moron's predecessors made five appointments while other side's predecessors made only four; the example showing that liberty is always an ideal with reality always falling short of the aim.

Regarding those who've dishonored the flag and themselves by dastardly attempting to co opt it as a tool of national partisan divisiveness, ones who waved the flag to hide their nasty partisanship motives behind it as their political weapon against liberty and against common decency and good sense, and their just comeuppance, see, e.g., here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

I'm jumping all over this with spurs on not only because he's a comment pest, an anonymous comment pest, and he challenges my patriotism, but because he's a comment pest with an obvious flat learning curve. And interestingly enough, an apparent Republican. With a flat learning curve.

If anyone has a cogent disagreement with what I've said here, comments are open - and in commenting, you can hide behind anonymity as your flag, or have the courage to identify yourself, either way.

Finally, you tell me, what's flag desecration?