
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Norm, publish the garbage.

That sleek and slick new Norm official Senate webpage, has the garbage - the scoop.


Where none of that GOP sophistry makes any sense, is a poorly regulated energy sector has brought us horrendous pump price shock, so why expect an unregulated, a less regulated energy sector would behave? It just makes no sense.

Big Oil has bought up coal, gas, and nuclear; witness Exxon Nuclear. See, e.g., here, here, here, here, and here. And one thing interesting in that, when Big Oil divests nuclear, for reasons I do not know of, ultimately the German buyer drifts into Siemens, another Big Energy player, and a Purdue engineering graduate prospers in that corporate conglomerate sphere - same sphere as Exxon, given globalization.

It is a concentrated highly-capital intensive sector of the world's economy. Few players in the US lead to oligopolistic pricing, and we can rely on John McCain's self professed skills in the economic arena to explain how that works. He can do it since it is simple. Cheney convenes a kitchen cabinet in secret before Gore's challenge was resolved, refusing to the present to disclose any real thing about it, and Iraq with its massive oil reserves is invaded and Enron rapes California energy consumers before it folds. And, please, note the party affiliation in all that.

GOP. That party. The folks that got us to where we are - the folks now with the beguilingly simple answers for the situation they first engineered and then created.

Same folks now telling us the answer is to deregulate Big Energy. Only a fool would buy that story. Leases have been bought up and taken off market for any new entrants into the sector, and left unexploited so the GOP answer of opening up more leases to be taken off the market and sat on makes all the sense in the world, doesn't it?

Bottom Line: The Republicans are lying to us, and lying big time. They use one of the oldest propaganda methods - it matters less whether it is true than that it is simple and repeated often enough to become "known fact."

That entire "Drill Now, Drill Here, Pay Less" kind of fundamental disrespect of voter intelligence is P.T. Barnum saying there's a sucker born every minute.

So go ahead, sucker, vote for Norm Coleman. Vote for his propaganda garbage. Vote GOP. Norm's been real good party line on deficit financing a war that Bush-Cheney lied ups into and which then took Iraq's oil off the market and squeezed supply at the wellhead that way. Norm is your friend with your best interests always in mind, that way. Your friend with a blind eye to the pump price going up in proportion to the wellhead pricing, without regard to the refinery capital costs being constant so that in an unmanipulated and unconcentrated market the pump price would rise at a lesser rate than the wellhead price because raw oil is only one factor of production.

Folks, figure something out this time. Don't buy any phony and disdainful propaganda.

About propaganda, see here and here.