
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another astounding cosmetic makeover from Norm Coleman.

Click on any image to enlarge and read:

The picture, upper left corner, flashes that trademark new Norm smile.

So, you tell me, what is the difference between a campaign website and an official Senate website? "Issues" vs. "priorities"? Is Sen. Coleman blurring the line, with this makeover pattern?

Using the WayBack machine, there's been a lot of makeover logged, all at taxpayer expense, but it does make Norm look progressive - he changes and updates the website.

Or some taxpayer-paid grunt on staff works the content, and citizens further pay for the layout alterations.

Perhaps Jeff Olson consults on this project. There's a potential for a fee there.

Below is the WayBack archive's last and then its earliest versions of the Coleman persona, as officially shown, per the Senate website. And checking that WayBack page, wow, each asterisk on an archive entry indicates changes made - and showing a perpetual state of flux and change, all paid for by Joe and Jane Taxpayer, as things became more and more lavish:

Those are respectively, the archived screenshot from Aug 21, 2007, and then Apr 7, 2003. On the older one there are gaps where the archive did not save component files to go with the main template. But even with that problem, it shows things went from more spartan and business-like, to increasing superficial sophistication. There is a Coleman persistence there. Persistently short on content with an ever evolving appearance - getting prettier with age and experience. Trademark superficiality. Finally, that text at the lower left corner of the current item, first image, the 60 day thing, I imagine Brian Melendez and Franken folks will keep an eye on things so that I will not have any cause to go back and look at that website.