
Friday, July 04, 2008

It's the Issues, Stupid. The reason why Elwyn Tinklenberg cannot duck open format forums with the other two candidates.

Here it is in the Tink's own words. He is hot to see voters have a chance for an airing of the issues, since it is the issues and the voters being informed that matters. Right? He would not insincerely have said:

It is my understanding that you have already added the September forum at the Monticello Chamber of Commerce to your campaign calendar, and I look forward to participating in that event as well.

Several other Chambers of Commerce across the district have also expressed interest in hosting candidate forums, and I hope you will consider their forthcoming invitations. To my knowledge specific dates have not been established, and if certain dates are preferable we will gladly work to accommodate your schedule.

As I’m sure you’ll agree, it is important that we afford voters the opportunity to learn more about our distinct views on the issues they find most important. That is why I propose that these forums have an open format in which voters may ask us questions directly.

Read the whole thing, in context, here, from the Tink's own website.

I am not making this up. Click to enlarge.

The man must stand and deliver, (oop's wrong phrase - the highwayman thing - he must either deliver on the chest-pounding almost mocking boastful challenging or now slink away obscurely with his donkey tail between his legs).

He shows up; or he shows he is a false-hearted poseur.

He ducks it, Bachmann and Immelman debate. Bachmann ducks, Tink and Immelman debate. The only real scenario nobody now can credibly dodge is a three-way thing. It worked last cycle, with John Binkowski as third wheel.

Go for it, Tinkster. It's all there for you. The world's your oyster. Just prove you're a better man than this new player, Immelman. Go for it! Please. Do not hide, not after all that chest-pounding "cordial" confrontation of Mrs. Bachmann, not now when an educated man's also entered the fray.

Not only did he do that, but his success in getting rabble rousing milage from the performance now has him boxed in, this Google being like Book One, Paradise Lost:

He spake: and to confirm his words, out-flew
Millions of flaming swords, drawn from the thighs
Of mighty Cherubim; the sudden blaze [ 665 ]
Far round illumin'd hell: highly they rag'd
Against the Highest, and fierce with grasped arms
Clash'd on thir sounding Shields the din of war,
Hurling defiance toward the vault of Heav'n.

It may not be their self-image, but it sure was a noisy pile-on. Now, Immelman, how should that mild new entrant have them switching from war whoops to splitting hairs?

It is not there.

A quiet after all that din of banging sword on shield for having a show, a quiet after that would still have a sound. A whispering mendacity.

It was burning the ships after landing. No backtracking. No hem no haw.

So, Elwyn, do it. Debate the two of them. Michele, do it. Debate the two of them.

I don't envision Immelman backing away from such a thing. That part seems certain. New guy. Needing exposure. Elwyn's made the challenge. They were raging and banging for blood. Give them a show.