
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Posted today, a GOP blog voice about the Sixth District.

First, an excerpt, and the entire post is here.

Bachmann Outraises Tinklenberg, Olson
April 16th, 2008 • 11:53 am

The Associated Press is reporting that U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., raised $346,000 for her re-election bid in the first quarter of 2008.

She has more than $1 million in the bank as of the beginning of this month, more than 10 times either of the DFLers who hope to take her on, Elwyn Tinklenberg or Bob Olson.

Tinklenberg raised $127,000 and had $102,000 on hand, while Olson raised $24,000 and had $112,000 on hand, after loaning his campaign more than $60,000.

It isn’t a stretch to say that interest in Tinklenberg and Olson is minimal at best. both candidates have flaws that the activists are having difficulty looking past. While I won’t paint this race as over, I’m perfectly willing to paint this as an uphill challenge for either Mr. Tinklenberg. I think it’s safe to say that Mr. Olson doesn’t stand a fighting chance even if the perfect storm developed.

I’ve talked with several DFL activists about Tinklenberg. Each of these activists initially prefered Olson over Tinklenberg but soured on Olson after he took the attack dog approach at a recent debate. These activists didn’t think highly of Mr. Tinklenberg, partially because of his career as a lobbyist, partially because of his “less than stellar” progressive history.

What caught my attention, whether a misedit, or a deliberate statement, the terminology, "I’m perfectly willing to paint this as an uphill challenge for either Mr. Tinklenberg." Was the intent to say "either Mr. Tinklenberg or Mr. Olson" but with an editing error?

More interestingly, I just like the truthful ring of "an uphill challenge for either Mr. Tinklenberg."

Meaning the pro-lifer, or the one who would not now overturn Roe v. Wade? The supporter of a marriage amendment, who now sees gay rights as okay? The one who "knowing what I knew then" would have voted for Iraq; but now agrees with his friends that something needs fixing with what's going on over there?

"Either Mr. Tinklenberg," the one from 2006 and what he stood for then, or the one from 2008 and what he stands for now; surprisingly the same individual.

Just standing differently. As if standing for something besides business for Tinklenberg Group is coincidental to much of what "either Mr. Tinklenberg" is to himself and others.