
Thursday, April 17, 2008

The criticism of Al Franken, sanely read, exposes the hypocrisy of the Minnesota Taxpayer League as a GOP front.

Or whatever that sorry orgainzation calls itself.

As best as I can make sense of the story, Alan Franken, Inc., is a personal corporation Franken uses in business dealings.

It appears he, or perhaps he and spouse, are its only "employees." I could be wrong on that. It could be him, alone.

The GOP publishes some California documents showing the accountant did the filing there and type of business is "Writing, Acting, Speaking Engagements."

I expect in New York the "corporation" does business that is little different.

As in California, it would be Al, contracting to act, write, or speak. (Surprisingly, while he does not represent that he can help anyone with getting financing for a highway, people give him money anyway.)

And then the public bureaucrats, who problematically (predominantly via union ties) seem affiliated with the Democratic Party, a millstone for it, and legislators do dumb things to overtax anything that either moves or stays still [Ramsey where I live had a city administrator wanting a "Port Authority" to be able to finagle additional taxation, while Ramsey has never had a port and did not have one while he had Bonnie Balach lobbying for it without the city council ever having passed any ordinance or resolution authorizing him or her to indulge in such mischief - a stealth bureaucratic taxing putsch is what it appeared to be from the outset].

Out of that insatiable will to tax outrageously, something like the current silliness surrounding Al Franken arises.

And the Taxpayer League is totally silent.

Totally silent about the injustice of the entire situation. No squealing. No bleating. Silence.

Go figure. Silence of the Lambs.

They must squeal when told to, but only when told to.

And I suppose those doing the telling have not said, "Go squeal," over the kinds of injustices that were done to poor Al Franken.

Taxing grasp was reaching manacingly toward the fisk of Alan Franken, Inc. Yet the Taxpayer League, they rally with Michele Bachmann, showing which side of the street they walk and who they street-walk for, with the initials GOP a hint.

If the Taxpayer League had any legitimacy, which they don't, they would weigh in on the Frankin side in the current situation - a personal corporation being taxed mercilessly, "fees" added upon taxes, and such, even after the fact is the corporation ceased to do any real business in California; and after the Frankens' decision to relocate to Minnesota to retire Norm Coleman, (bless that sensible and proper intent).

When it comes to forming and using personal corporations, Republicans do that every day of every week of every year. They know and understand the accounting and liability dimensions of using personal corporations better than Al does. Randy Moss probably has one or a few. Joe Mauer. Perhaps, perhaps not, but one of the papers from California, the accountant handled and filed it, Al having better things to spend time on.

Franken ceased doing anything in California, and let the registration lapse.

Republicans do that every day of every week of every year. They know and understand the accounting and liability dimensions of foreign corporation registrations in other states better than Al does.

Both California and New York have rapacious tax approaches to small businesses of that kind [Exxon Mobil, that's different, again, Republicans understand the differences better than Al does].

Taxpayer League bleating morons should criticize the policies, but instead they are silent. A dunce named Brodkorb misinforms people about a tempest in a teapot - because he wants the likes of Norm Coleman to remain in Washington as a blight on the national reputation of Minnesota.

And Alan Franken, Inc., probably has Al humming along with the ghost of George Harrison:

Let me tell you how it will be
There's one for you, nineteen for me
'cause i'm the taxman, yeah, i'm the taxman

Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful i don't take it all
'cause i'm the taxman, yeah i'm the taxman

If you drive a car, i'll tax the street,
If you try to sit, i'll tax your seat.
If you get too cold i'll tax the heat,
If you take a walk, i'll tax your feet.

Don't ask me what i want it for
If you don't want to pay some more
'cause i'm the taxman, yeah, i'm the taxman

Now my advice for those who die
Declare the pennies on your eyes
'cause i'm the taxman, yeah, i'm the taxman
And you're working for no one but me

And does the GOP admit that poor Al Franken is being unjustly haunted by The Taxman? It's their mantra, so you'd expect a pinch of consistency, wouldn't you?

Fat chance. Here's the drivel they spoon out: "WALZ, MADIA & BOTH SUPPORT MASSIVE TAX INCREASES"

With the bureaucrats in one camp, and the hypocrites in the other, why isn't everyone an independent?

That's what I cannot figure out.