
Friday, February 15, 2008

What progress is being made, DC, in this GOP Justice Department, after the local U.S. Attorney kicked it upstairs?


Click on the above image to read it. It is the letter to me from local U.S. Attorney Frank J. Magill, Jr., indicating the Justice Department's Office of Legislative Affairs would be expected to act, presumably conscionably and promptly - time being of the essence with Minnesota Sixth District caucusing already underway - to resolve the ethical lobbying registration issues concerning DFL Congressional candidate, Elwyn Tinklenberg, that Jerry Hiniker and I raised, by letter.

It now appears that public interest advocates in DC have opinions that Justice should get off the dime, now, and forward the matter to the proper organs of the two houses of Congress. And NOW! Any delay could be viewed as a tawdry partisan effort to allow Tinklenberg to capture his party's endorsement, and then to drop the shoe.

That would be a GOP Justice Department timing things to help a GOP incumbent in the general election, and Justice herself would slink into a corner, put down the sword and scales, and weep.

So ---- Yo, DC folks, it is there in the Bush Administration Justice Department. So, move it along. It does not deserve to die there, or be politically timed to sandbag the other political party. Burying it or tactically timing it, either course, would be wrong and shabby.

And Jerry and I appreciate the attention other blogs have given our effort; Blue Man, linked to above, Political Muse, here. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is there to hear it, it is only one downed tree.

One can be ignored. Many voices, asking for a fair and prompt inquiry by the proper Congressional offices might be heard by both the Justice Department legislative affairs arm, and by Clerk of the House and Secretary of the Senate staff.

BOTTOM LINE: The error is Tinklenberg's, or not, but put pedal to the metal - get out the litmus paper - put the feet to the fire - listen to the voice of the people - whatever is needed - pick your cliche - BUT get off the dime.
