
Thursday, February 14, 2008

BOB OLSON - Who is Bob Olson?

At caucus, Ramsey, Anoka County, where the Tinklenberg Group prospers from the public fisc, and the Tinklenberg name is known, some people have asked me, "Who is Bob Olson?" As if he were as mysterious as John Galt, or something. Not so, nor is he an objectivist rumored to have invented a perpetual motion machine, as the fictional John Galt was. He does have some incredibly sound ideas about energy independence and prosperity without pump-price shock and he is as sound on transportation issues as El Tink - without any of the revolving door baggage that attaches to Tinklenberg on that front.

Before I post any thoughts or impressions I have - from never meeting the man but knowing a bit of what he stands for from reading his website - I will let his own campaign card from the caucus table tell everyone a bit about him.

I snagged one of the few left at caucus when I got there, and scanned it to post it.

It shows in quick soundbite form what he would mean for the District if we send him to DC to take the job Michele Bachmann holds but shows scant interest in performing in ways beneficial to the rank-and-file families who live in the district and lack the wealth the Bachmann family holds - families with worries and bills to pay and wanting relief and to be heard.

Taking a break from saying what is stale and wrong with Tinklenberg, here is a bit of what is refreshingly correct about Bob Olson. An answer - a brief answer - to "Who is Bob Olson?" - again, click to enlarge and read, or open the image in a new window/tab -

Do have a look at the website, for a chance to read more, learn more.