
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tinklenberg as Obama, is not just selling a false image of "change" and "hope" but is disrespectful of our basic intelligence.

Change we CANNOT believe in.

The man, Tinklenberg, not just Obama, claims to be selling hope for change.


Tinklenberg does say that of himself.

A new fresh option. A new face. New faces are needed, he says.

Really -- no fooling, Elwyn says it here.

“The bridge collapse should forever be a reminder to those of us in public service, that keeping the people safe is our ultimate responsibility. When our political system becomes paralyzed in polarization it can often be at the expense of keeping our families safe. I knew that day that I needed to continue a quest I started over two years ago. My goal then was the same as it is today—to change the direction of this country,” he added.

Alluding to inaction on issues of most importance to the working families of the sixth district, Tinklenberg said even more new faces are needed in congress.

Clearly,” Tinklenberg went on, “our current representative from the sixth district did not get the message that people want action and accountability—not acting. They want facts—not fiction. They want production—not pandering. They want hope—not hassle. And they want it now—not later.”

“In my experience as a minister and a public official, I can tell that whether it is in their personal lives or in their roles as citizens, more than anything, people want hope. They hope for a better, more secure life for themselves, their families and their fellow man,” said the former Mayor.

“To that end,” he said, “I am running to provide the people of the sixth district more hope and fewer hassles. Hope for an immediate long range plan for safer and less congested transportation systems, hope for better jobs, secure health care for their families, and policies that protect and preserve our natural resources. And finally, hope for more professionalism and results.”

I promise you, that as your representative in congress, I will not stand by and let this opportunity pass. I will always remember that bridge and the message from the people who where [sic] so moved by its collapse,” Tinklenberg said.

Bombastic, isn't it? And if there were people "so moved by its collapse," say it, instead of "where moved," because when the bridge fell, "where moved" was downward and rapidly, for those on it when it fell.

Proofread your stuff, El, it would show the professionalism we hope for, in a candidate for Congress.

But baseline El Tinklenberg message: I am to hope for a change, based on you, El?

That's the theme?

Okay, I can hope. I hope you lose, big time, for pushing that brand of pure horsec**p as if it were sincere truth. There are two major "changes" that come to mind to me regarding El Tinklenberg, the change to an unprecedented use of no bid contracts while heading MnDOT, and the change of unregistering himself as a paid lobbyist just before last Christmas and after declaring himself a candidate for Congress - but only several profitable Tinklenberg Group months after that "because the bridge fell" rhetoric was spooned out, as quoted above [WCCO reported the "bridge fell" press release-theatrics-statement Oct. 1, 2007; while it was about a full fiscal quarter for Tinklenberg Group before the officially admitted lobbyist status was unregistered, Dec. 20, 2007].

Not letting the opportunity pass you up, El, that part from your website quote I believe you believe in most fervently - and the "opportunity" being a "quest" of yours for a time range lasting beyond the last two years, that too I believe you believe, El. After all, here is your 2006 web image, courtesy of the WayBack archiving service, as Congressional Candidate Tinklenberg back then, without any bridge to blame for the compelling ambition:

Not much of a change from then to now, is there? Hope, yes your hope was the same back then before the popularity, integrity, and quality of Patty Wetterling derailed your express train to the House Transportation Committee seat you covet. And while the above quoted website text does talk of a "quest" of more than two years duration, WCCO reports the story of the reluctant Tinklenberg - not questing for years after being unhorsed by the believably sincere Ms. Wetterling - but reluctantly being pushed into fresh, new decision making, by circumstance:

Tinklenberg decided against running earlier this year, but said he changed his mind on Aug. 1 when he heard of the bridge disaster while eating dinner with his family.

"All of us knew that we could no longer tolerate sitting by while so many things were happening in our country that were the result of a kind of inattention that we were facing in our infrastructure," he said at a Capitol news conference, flanked by about three dozen supporters including red-shirted union workers.

Tinklenberg, of Blaine, now heads a consulting firm that specializes in transportation. [nothing said about ongoing registration as a lobbyist]

Perhaps lobbyist friends Ray Bohn and Jon Bohn were at that fateful family dinner? Jon Bohn who was the focus of some untoward "infiltrator effort" accusations by Michele Bachmann against the Wetterling campaign last cycle. And also, those Red Shirted Union Workers? Like the Wobblies or something? At least no dog and pony in red, (nor tarted up more insultingly in Wellstone Green either); but, El, was that thought there, and simply left out as bad theater?

Change, real change out of you El --- why in the world would anyone believe that?

The idea of Elwyn Tinklenberg representing change, rather than a clear perpetuation of a flawed revolving-door career-politician-&-lobbyist status quo, is counterfeit and preposterous.

To coat-tail on Obama, first, Elwyn, lose eighty pounds of portly white middle age Anoka County ol' boy girth and then cut the pretty hair shorter.

Yet, even then, Elwyn, will it sell?

Will the public really buy into "hope" and "change" from a career politician, old Anoka County style -- as in Rod Grams, Dan Erhart, the Weaver family, Arnie Cox, Tom Gamec, James Norman?

IN CONTRAST, to the peapod; here, is Obamamania,

rock-star like in its images, production, utilization, delivery and acceptance - you believe because you want to believe. You are willing to suspend disbelief.

It will be a departure from a stale, known status quo.

A willing suspension of disbelief. Perhaps the status quo might, for once not prevail. You make that jump of faith. That investment of faith --

For Obama.

For Tinklenberg? Bona fide change? From Tinklenberg? Get real. The man embodies a stale, known status quo. The status quo is his essence. There is no departure in him, from that.


Want to believe?

Try this.

Not this.