
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Grab a microphone in your right hand, ditch the jacket and red power tie if you wore one, roll up your sleeves, listen, and communicate.

How do you weigh leadership potential? Vision? By the committee a candidate says he would sit on, if elected? By who someone says he knows? Is there more to it beyond that?

Is it only something I see in two similarly composed photographs, or is there a common, intense, intelligent, wholly trustworthy, universal, human, reliable aspect to these two office seekers that appears rare to see, in office seekers?

Would you rather do business with either of these guys, than Hillary Clinton or Elwyn Tinklenberg?

If they were doctors, cardiac surgeons, would you feel comfortable going under the knife without a second opinion? Would you rather trust in Hillary or El cutting and stitching at you while bleeding and under anesthesia? Whose sponge count would you rather trust before the final sew-up?