
Friday, January 18, 2008

Interesting online local progressive grassroots commentary. Interesting online DCCC astroturfing.

No images here, this time. Other folks' ideas.

First, a recent post on mnpACT! a website I discovered, along with discovering the existence of the website, from reading commentary on Blue Man in a Red District.

"MN 6th District: Who Will Represent the 'Workingest' Families?"
By Dave Mindeman, whoever he is.

Someone I have not met, but his feeling: Bachmann is insensitive to worker plight, Olson is attentive, and Tinklenberg is MIA.


Minnesota Grassroots thought and effort. From right here, in Minnesota.

Also online and interesting, from some person at DCCC, located, you tell me where I can only guess, saying Tink is the best idea since sliced bread - posted on KOS.

DCCC being the Dem's nation-wide party organ of campaign opinion.

Who is "John Lapp, DCCC"? Besides a Tinklenberg pom-pom squaud groupie, or a DCCC functionary telling us folks how to view the world?

On a payroll somewhere? Helped to say what he says? In Ohio? Indiana? Omaha?

Perhaps - just perhaps - in Minnesota, that is a possibility.

But of a party affiliation - whereas I am independent, not in either party as a regular. But last cycle I caucused DFL and will do so again, as I find Michele Bachmann a weak and ineffective stereotypical idealogue too inclined to fiddle a lot while Rome burns.

But do we need DCCC people to lead us around, especially in light of the tepid help from that direction last cycle, after the people's choice at caucus left Tinklenberg to his lobbying and consulting? I don't need those people, that precedent, to tell me how to think or what's best for me.

And by the way - that "workingest" thing, does anyone know whether the workers at the Bachmann family clinic in Lake Elmo are still without any health insurance coverage - among that vast vexed and mistreated group having such a basic human need as medical attention left hanging? I wonder. I imagine that Tinklenberg paid staff have some kind of health coverage. If anyone knows, let me know. I recall last cycle not only the clinic workers but Bachmann paid campaign staff were reported to be without coverage.