
Saturday, January 19, 2008

East Bethel queues up.

Yesterday's Anoka County Union, home delivered, had this to say:

East Bethel signs contract with Tinklenberg Group
Thursday, 17 January 2008

The East Bethel City Council at its Jan. 2 meeting approved a contract with The Tinklenberg Group to provide assistance applying for grants.

There is no flat rate for the contract, but it could not exceed an average of $3,000 per month. Some months will require more expenditures because of fluctuation in federal activities.

Staff of The Tinklenberg Group would work with East Bethel staff to identify and apply for state, federal and local grants or appropriations in the areas of utility infrastructure, roads, parks and open space.

According to a staff report, the firm would specifically help prepare the state 2009 reauthorization request to request Highway 65 improvements at Viking Boulevard, Klondike Drive, Sims Road, 221st and 237th avenues.

The municipal infrastructure funding is being pursued to help pay for the city’s new sewer and water utility venture.

The Tinklenberg Group would maintain contact with federal offices, congressional leaders and staff representatives for the House and Senate and work closely with Eighth District Congressman Jim Oberstar and his staff to garner strong support. Oberstar chairs the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

The firm would include maps and graphics, resolutions of support, project information sheets and other documents in the applications to increase chances of receiving the funds.

The timeline calls for The Tinklenberg Group to compile appropriations and re-authorization applications over the next two months and mail the material in March. They would follow-up and answer questions with Congressional staff after that.