
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Another 2008 Comp Plan Session - Tomorrow, Wed. Oct. 3. Do we want Peterson Density from Trott Brook north to the town line?

"Housing Choices, Appropriate Density, & Neighborhood Design," the notice of topic discloses. Subtitle, "What are the characteristics of ideal neighborhoods?" If you could have a sincere belief your opinion on these things will make a difference, that those having decision power will give a rip, you might show up, right? Well ---

Show up anyway to at least go on record with what you think and feel.

Here's the city website notice image:

Now, the question is do we want Peterson density from Trott Brook to the bounds of Ramsey, 4-5 units per acre? If not, then we fight it. Remember, there also is a lot of land elsewhere -- within our existing neighborhoods -- where Peterson density would be out of character - way out of character, as it is in his Alpine Woods (or whatever cheesy name he gave that thing he did at Sunfish between Alpine and Hwy 5, where he brought sewer-water across Sunfish to ultimately route it to the Gun Club and cornfield, whatever cheesey names he's chosen for those two locales).

And I call it Peterson density. He is a developer, and the blog is called Developers are Crabgrass - go figure.

As information, I close with picturs of Mr. Peterson's own home, on a nice big lot, with well and septic [unless changed recently] and certainly not, for his quiet enjoyment of hearth and home, crowed in among others. First pic is from last Fall. Second is from Fall, 2004.

My guess is those with a discerning eye may speculate on why many, many, many of the older "experienced" Ramsey residents are not bothering to show up at the sessions, where many on council barely bother to show up either.

Whether thinking, "Done deal," is correct or not, if you do not try you are later in a worse position to carp over what those having more power (and less discernment and good taste) than you, go and do absent your input. Sooooooo -- Show up, speak up, or later when you are unhappy, you will be asked by those having authority, to shut up. Not those words. That message, in substance. It is Ramsey, after all.