
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Is it time to dust off the referendum box, and see what's in there that was not claimed hostile to the Minnesota Constitution, etc.?

I believe it was over two years ago. In 2005. The last citizen-initiated referendum reform. It's time.

There was a multi-part proposal that got torpedoed by James Norman and friends bringing in two law firms to opine a part of it was infirmed and improper.

The rest of it went without objection.

These people are honorable people. They would not torpedo a proposal striped of the language found objectionable. Would they? Would any honorable person do so?

Some of the passions strong in the hearts of those then wanting a particular routing might be more restrained now, especially if offensive language were omitted.

And - those outside law firms - they would have looked beyond one hook to scuttle, wouldn't they. As prudent individuals, they would have found all that was wrong when requested. Wouldn't they?

Perhaps two charter amendments. One on sewer and water. The other another measure reforming things, making recall easier to institute and less burdensome.

Twice the scrutiny that way, with four outside lawfirms?

How else should you welcome a new city administrator? If the council will not move to put reform into the charter on its initiative, then citizens will need to move again.

With the 2008 Comprehensive Plan in process, timing would be right. If the Council will not on its own initiative put well and septic system protections into the Charter and into the Comprehensive Plan, it seems the goal is reachable by charter amendment referendum.

For now, just thinking ---

Yet, there needs to be a stakeholder voting arrangement, however, that is for certain.

My hope would be that the effort and feelings behind that last referendum the citizens initiated have not been forgotten. There was a slap-dash ordinance passed, a band-aid measure that could be repealed any instant by a council vote, and done so quickly that it was enacted saying, in effect, if your septic system or well were to ever become defective, you had to bring your septic system up to standards.

Rocket Science 101 ---- what's missing in that? Where's the kink, the "haste makes waste" part of things?

LaserFiche is so painful, I will not make you hunt. Click to enlarge the images, pages 1 and 2, of Ordinance 05-08.