
Sunday, July 22, 2007

What's a city administrator worth these days?

My view - less then they're paid.

And what are they paid?

I had to go to Harold Hamilton's Watch Dog Website to find that out.

It is not news posted prominently on the opening homepage of the City of Ramsey official website.

Go figure.

The new guy, and it will be a guy, no female finalists in the batch - will get more than James Norman.

Was James Norman worth the pay, in your own personal view? Views vary.

What we pay - that is something we, citizens, should know. So we can form cost benefit opinions, as with James Norman.

Hence, so that we know, I post the link to the Watch Dog's watchfulness. Bless the effort. We need more critics. And fewer fellow-travelers, cheerleaders, or pom-pom crews.