
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Some Friday the Thirteenth Woofing I Missed Earlier.

Serious woofing. Woofing as in not calling a spade a spade, when you can call it a "&#%$ing shovel." Harold Hamilton's site does not mince words; but this excerpt is from the regular weekly email, so I have no on-site pointer. Sign up. At the Watchdog site. Get the mailer content and the site content. Here is the excerpt:

Ramsey Spends $19 Million on Nothing.

The City of Ramsey has pulled off a stunning feat of ineptitude and arrogance that may well go down as the biggest white elephant in the history of Anoka County. And that’s saying something in a county where government thinks a $320 million train is a good investment and that Zygi Wilf is a man you can trust.

This week, the Pioneer Press released a series of articles detailing Ramsey’s quest to plop a taxpayer-subsidized “downtown” into the city. Apparently, Ramsey was having some self-esteem issues and wanted something to “put them on the map.” City leaders have certainly gotten their wish to be on the map – the map of shame.

Watchdog Comments:

First, a sincere and hearty congratulations to Dave Orrick and Nicole Garrison-Sprenger for a magnificent piece of investigative journalism. This is what newspapers are supposed to do: ask tough questions, dig deep for background material and then produce news that is thought-provoking and meaningful to readers. Too much of what passes for news these days is superficial garbage that appeals to emotions instead of intellect but can be read in 2-3 minutes.

Second, the Watchdog was founded precisely because governmental officials frequently embark on mega-projects without doing any serious analysis of the risks, costs, and potential benefits. Instead, these elected leaders allow emotion to rule the day. This boondoggle is a prime example.

One aspect of the story that the Pioneer Press did not cover is the current whereabouts of Jim Norman, the former city administrator who guided the council into this disaster. He is currently a consultant for local units of government and in business with none other than Elwyn Tinklenberg. The Good Ol’ Boy network is alive and well indeed.

Wow. "... allow emotion to rule the day." No. Not in Ramsey? No ---

And then -- The James and Elwyn traveling show? I have seen a few sites when Googling the two last names, but nothing this concrete before. I do remember the James and John shows; those QCTV classics where James Norman and John Feges each tried to outdo the other patting themselves and the other on the back over how Town Center was a better idea than sliced bread.

It might be amusing, but for the tax bills to come, to get DVD copies of those segments from QCTV, invite friends over, and count the future-facing platitudes that failed to come true.