
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

From the July - August Ramsey Resident.
At City Hall, Wed. July 11, 5:00 pm

The water resources in and around the city of Ramsey are among the key area amenities that attracted many people to the area. As such, the city is taking steps to protect and preserve the area wetlands, streams and lakes. The city has developed ordinances requiring new developments to manage runoff associated with construction site erosion and sediment control as well as with post construction storm water management. In continuing with these efforts, the city has hired the consulting firm of Bolton & Menk to prepare a comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP). The key issues being addressed in the WRMP are:

1. Solicit Public Input on the WRMP content.

2. Inventory and evaluate the city’s wetlands.

3. Develop a plan to protect all of the city’s waters.

4. Manage rainfall runoff to mitigate flooding issues.

Because public input is essential to developing a successful plan, a public open house meeting is planned at the Municipal Center from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm on July 11, 2007. The general public is invited.

Once all of the necessary data has been compiled, a final report addressing fl ood protection measures, wetland classifi cation, and recommendations to protect the city’s waters will be generated and presented to City Council for adoption. If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact Leonard Linton, Civil Engineer II, at 763-433-9834.

And, yes, the photo probably fits better for the plans for the River Water waterworks, in the works - a story in itself, given how the townhomes are not selling like hotcakes and already taxpayers are in the hole for millions for the palace by the ramp.

And, yes, it is the same Bolton & Menk who brought to us the Peterson Pipeline, aka the unneeded sewer trunk to the gun club to make a father-in-law smile.