
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

All of My Ramsey -- Latest Episode in local all-time favorite soap opera annals.

Last night's episode at City Hall was packed with all that the genre requires. Failure, ambition, crime by the deceased, some knew some didn't. With passions and, of all things, possible mendacity. High drama, for all, at the City Hall council chambers. It even attracted the press - hot on the trail of the story of the runaway bride from Monday's courthouse segment - where even the sheriff did not know Minne West, bride to be, would be a no-show. And no 5K in the sneakers, veil and train fluttering in the wind. Stakes are orders of magnitude higher.

This episode was the first on the air after the blockbuster no-showing, where would-be suitors, friends of the groom, all were left on the steps.


Have the council and its counsel allowed a dastardly situation where the City - us - bought a palace without grounds - with phantom parks and amenities?
A lawsuit with the bride being sued - for breach of promise?
What lawsuit?

Where on the city's website are the filing papers posted?
The City sues and treats us like a bunch of mushrooms? We are the fans, we pay to run the sopa opera on prime time TV. Noon Wednesday July 11, and Thursday July 12 - at QCTV. Evening rebroadcasts. Check your local QCTV scheduling.
Sure there is confidential discussion. There always is off-camera action behind much driving the soaps in their strange twists and turns. The lawyer and client talk, it is confidential, so we fans can only speculate. But show us the breach-of-promise suit aganist the bride, let us read for ourselves who alleges what in the drama of dueling papers and words.

That complaint, once filed, is public data.

Put it on the City of Ramsey website -

And, what is malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance? You tell me. Time yet, for an All of My Ramsey, summer rerun? Send out the clowns?
Anyway, stay tuned. Is Ben smiling or sneering? Will Pattiann come out of retirement to try to reclaim the "shoppes and restaurants" heavyweight crown? Will Natalie from her buy-a-flush fiefdom step up to defend her heavyweight title? What did Tom know? When did he know it? Which Tom? Will the elusive Port of Ramsey ever be found, and who, why and when did it happen - or not? Will the drama again involve Sister City hijinx? Or is that story thread itself jinxed? Will Darlene prove to be the powerhouse behind Powerhouse -- and capture the title that goes with Powerhouse Title? She had title, at one time, but sold out like Pattiann to Bruce who appeared confident and smooth, but didn't really have the wealth some anticipated. Who owns the old city hall effort? Who is financing? And did Patrick play golf in North Branch, if so what was his score, and is there a south branch to this story - or is the key story the West, not Minne West, but west of the crossings? Stay tuned. Every episode follows the last.