
Friday, April 06, 2007

NOTICE: There is a business-citizenship group active in Ramsey.

I went last night to the meeting at City Hall. The instigating citizens' group has stayed fairly informal, but has named itself "PEOPLE3" in order to have a name.

It was a good session. No mobs milling about with pitchforks and torches looking for the monster to destroy. I had a chance to speak briefly with Joe McDilda, one of the RAMSEY3 individuals, who was encouraged by the tenor and mood and turnout.

The Met Council was represented by its councilmember Natalie Haas-Steffen, a resident of Ramsey presumably also attending in her personal as well as official capacity. She spoke briefly. Presumably in both capacities.

The meeting was well attended.

"Hard channeling" was a topic receiving quite a large degree of attention. This is a public works issue. One dimension, a mid-highway hard channel cuts down traffic access to highway-side business from two directions to one; with consequent business impact.

I am collecting my thoughts from the meeting before posting them. This is strictly a notice item, giving readers notice of the chosen name that Bob Ramsey introduced, and giving notice of the following information:


The RBA or RAMSEY BUSINESS ASSOCIATION with the web address:

It has no hierarchical leadership as far as I can tell, I know of two affilaited business people, but to know about it check the website.

I could discuss the site, but it speaks for itself. Have a look.

[UPDATE: Check the contact feature on the site, it appears business owners and operators can join but it is unclear if RBA meetings are open to the general public. In either event, the website gives a meeting notice: "Our next meeting is scheduled at Diamonds on March 15th 2007 at noon." Please check with them to assure whether it is open to the public.]

I know that the City uses Mike Mulroney, with SBA ties, as a consultant. My understanding is his firm's board has at least one Ramsey resident on it, but that's hearsay. I have no real knowledge of that. The firm is active in other parts of Anoka County. Sean Sullivan on staff, Ramsey's TIF specialist, probably knows much more and would be the first City person to contact.

That website is:

Mulroney has been a Ramsey consultant for years, and our Mayor for years might also know more about his Ramsey-related activities.

To avoid all confusion: The CDMC site speaks for itself as the does. Each, to the best of my knolwedge, is independent of the other; without any ties or links I know of. I am publishing this strictly for public notice. I have no membership or other ties to either group.