
Saturday, December 09, 2006

What wool are they intending to pull over our eyes this time?

Below is a whois excerpt for a website that I bet few citizens - if any - have any knowledge of, but which is aiming to "educate" us about OUR city. Go figure.

It's put up on the web by outsiders - it's slow as molassas in January [as with Laserfiche], and it's full of puffery that fails to get to the point. Pure bureau-speak.

That unpins my bullshit meter from zero immediately and into the "caution-what's-up" scale area.

Why don't these planner people talk plain English and get to the point?

A lot of distrust and hostility could be defused that way. It might even build credibility for a change.

Yet the meter's not pinned yet fully on the far side, and I reserve final judgment until an inquiry I have to Patrick Trudgeon is responded to. But the meter certainly is unpegged from zero and that's something I cannot undo; it's how it is; it's how this sort of thing works with someone simply wondering, "What's up, what's the point?"

The stealthy way things like this percolate to the public surface as complete and intact things like Athena from Zeus's forehead surely is a putoff, yet it's done that way time after time.

"Done deal" is another way to describe the impresssion this approach creates, with "sell to us" instead of "consult with us" coming to mind also.

However, with that first impression set by how its been presented and packaged so far, I await being proven wrong or whatever, and withhold final judgment - but I cannot help going in with "an attitude" when you treat me like a town fool, upfront, and everyone else is treated no differently. We voted the town fool out, or has that not yet registered in city hall?

See also, p.4 of 7 pages, Nov. 21, 2006 Council worksession agenda.

This new website lists the fine convenient old city hall address still, i.e., without updating it since last August to fit the move to the Taj Majal at Town Center; and then it blows such double-speak smoke at us, as this:

Open Space Technology, a highly successful method of engaging citizens in discussions concerning the most critical issues facing our city, will be used during the second phase of R3. Under the direction of an internationally recognized Open Space facilitator, participants will be able to raise issues that are most important to them and break out into smaller groups to envisage solutions. The findings and recommendations of these groups will be compiled into a single report, which will be available to all residents. Ultimately, these sessions will result in a broad community vision and working document that will address Ramsey’s growth until 2030.

In the final phase of R3, the city council, staff and commission members will use the vision created by the residents during the Open Space sessions to create a workable framework for the city’s future development. Ordinances and policies developed from this vision will ensure future development fosters a sense of community by emphasizing neighborhoods. The city will also continue to encourage resident input through OST sessions and surveys will measure the city’s success at implementing the vision.

"Engaging citizens" is "the second phase?" What in the world came first, the planning of the propaganda barrage? I don't know about you, but I don't want "an internationally recognized Open Space facilitator" as much as I want honest facts, getting to the point.

My vision is to not go behind peoples' backs to the legislature for stuff like this:

Minnesota Session Laws 2006 - Chapter 259



The governing body of the city of Ramsey or a development authority established by the city may issue general obligation bonds to pay for costs related to a project in an area within the city consisting of the property defined as outlot L, Ramsey Town Center Addition and lot 2, block 1, Ramsey Town Center Addition. Bonds issued under this section are not subject to the net debt limit of the city under Minnesota Statutes, section 475.53, or any other law or charter provision.

I'm sorry, but I see nothing wrong with objecting to this having been done, wondering how exactly it was done, and not knowing who did it to us and with what purposes other than to use the quoted authority which means TAXES ARE GOING TO ESCALATE BECAUSE SOMEONE SOMEHOW GOT THE LEGISLATURE TO GIVE THE RAMSEY CITY COUNCIL A BLANK CHECK. It's like having a loaded gun pointed at your head, and being able to say, only, "Huh?"

And be ready to do a browser "search" for the wording "city of ramsey" because it's long text, and hard to find that part of it dealing with the Ramsey Citizen's Blank Check to the council, by scrolling [if you download the Adobe pdf version of that legislation from the linked page, it is on p. 85 of 128 pages, if that helps you envision the needle-haystack dimensions of this mischief].

Then on top of that having happened, now we get: Ramsey3

Whatever that propaganda device is in detail, it's an insult to us. If it is not that, puffing as it does and telling us nothing of substance, what is it other than an insult? It sure sounds as if we'd better get the helmets ready to protect our heads from what's coming down.

Anyway, think for yourself. Check the website and form your opinion going in. Here's the whois info, indicating outside fingerprints of some kind:

Domain ID:D126906152-LROR
Domain Name:RAMSEY3.ORG
Created On:07-Aug-2006 18:01:50 UTC
Last Updated On:07-Oct-2006 03:47:42 UTC
Expiration Date:07-Aug-2009 18:01:50 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Domain People Inc. (R30-LROR)
Registrant ID:DP-5105515
Registrant Name:m Rice
Registrant Organization:m Rice
Registrant Street1:Box 583612
Registrant Street2:NA
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Minneapolis
Registrant State/Province:MN
Registrant Postal Code:55458
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.6126550035
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Admin ID:DP-5105516
Admin Name:m Rice
Admin Organization:m Rice
Admin Street1:Box 583612
Admin Street2:NA
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Minneapolis
Admin State/Province:MN
Admin Postal Code:55458
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.6126550035
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX:
Admin FAX Ext.:
Tech ID:DP-5105518
Tech Name:Administrator DNS
Tech Organization:Administrator DNS
Tech Street1:1 N State Street
Tech Street2:NA
Tech Street3:
Tech City:Chicago
Tech State/Province:IL
Tech Postal Code:60602
Tech Country:US
Tech Phone:+1.3122362132
Tech Phone Ext.:
Tech FAX:
Tech FAX Ext.:

Who's that? What's up? Downloads offered, then a screen saying, "You do not have the correct permissions to download this file." I'm a citizen for Chirstsakes, what do you mean? We're the sovereign. Why cannot these bureaucrats get that straight???? Something about a "PPS Scoring Guidelines - Maple Grove Scoring Methodology for New Developments." What's that got to do with Ramsey? You tell me, I cannot download it.