
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ben the Ramsey taxpayer.

Yes, it is hard to miss seeing the palace and ramp. They are so large and dominate the open space around them. But have you seen the less conspicuous taxpayer statue across the street? That ever smiling happy-face Ramsey taxpayer, left out there in the cold, who bought the overly fancy stuff across the street. Or will be buying it with increasing property tax payments years into the future, over time.

I call the statue "Ben Dover, the Ramsey Taxpayer" and I wonder whether James Norman and Bonnie Balach commissioned it, while planning between them for legislation; or whether it was our council's message to us. Three false stone facade faces, a plain blank poured concrete facing on the back, and the prepetual happy face -- at least until rust sets in and the debt service is all paid and the principal bond amounts are amortized and the bonds retired.

I find it interesting the pictures of the Taj Majal being built (that had been prominently featured) now are all hard to find these days on the Ramsey website, after having been highlighted there for such a length of time. That was before the election, I recall. And mention of the $16 million + price tag or info about who's making money off the old convenient city campus at Hwy 5 and Alpine, that's also hard to find on the city's web pages these days. If you've links, post them as comments.

Until I posted these there were no pics online at all, of Ben.

When you drive by, everytime you drive by, keep your eye out for Ben. You are Ben. And have a nice holiday.

Plus this, online at the city website:

Please join us to celebrate the new Municipal Center at the Open House and Dedication Ceremony on December 20th from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Tours of the new facility will be given and refreshments and cake will be provided.

Yes. Let them eat cake. Please go to the Open House. You can take simple cardboard hand lettered signs with you, saying "Wretched Excess" or "Lavish Beyond Need" or "Why a Taj Majal?" You can use the sports metaphor, and wear a paper bag on your head, labled "Ben," or just show up for the tour. The oppulence will enthrall you. And -- hope for good weather, to go outside, cross the street, and commune with the statue of Ben. Or if really busy, stay home and look in the mirror. But put on a happy face. That's what the Kuraks and Jerry Bauer and John Peterson over at the gun club will be doing - so why not you?