
Friday, November 03, 2006

Keep these three questions in mind.

These were the three advance questions the League of Women Voters gave Ramsey City Council candidates:

[1] Ramsey Town Center does not seem to be developing as originally planned. Should the original vision be continued or would you suggest changes? If so, what would they be?

[2] What changes would you like to see included in the Ramsey 2008 Comprehensive Plan?

[3] What do you think are two important issues facing the City of Ramsey and how do you propose to deal with them?
These excellent questions largely span the debate about the future of the City.

I shall be updating quite a bit, on facts and opinions, in the days before November 7.

From what I post you can know my views and how I think, and vote for or against me based on knowledge and not guesswork about who I am.

Meanwhile, each reader should think the above three questions over. Along with the personal question:

"Am I satisfied with the way the City council and administration have given me information about how money is being spent and am I satisfied with the voice in such decisions that I have been allowed."

My key points in running are that information flow is being "managed;" and citizens are not having a vote by referendum, when issues exactly ripe for referendum decision existed, and will continue to exist.

INFORMATION MANAGEMENT EXAMPLE: Not telling people about wanting the legislature to raise the City's debt limit, the amount of cash the Council can borrow and spend (with the citizens responsible for paying the principal back and servicing debt interest - from taxes).

LACK OF REFERENDUM: Wouldn't you like a vote on whether the debt ceiling gets raised?

Are taxpayers getting their money's worth?

I was having two keys cut at the kiosk along Main Stree in Anoka, west of Ferry Street, and I found out the woman cutting them lived in Ramsey. I asked, "What do you think about the Town Center and how it's moving along?"

Without hesitation the answer was direct. "We're getting screwed." Direct and to the point.

Consider how there has been much dissatisfaction with the County government for wanting to tax citizens for a sports stadium and shopping complex without giving folks a referendum.

Ramsey has the same problem. Do not doubt that for one minute. We had no referendum on the new palace and parking ramp. It simply got done "for" us. I went to that part of Town Center and photographed and looked. The foyer of the new palace looks bigger to me than the entire current, functional and adequate City Hall. Millions after millions of dollars spent without putting the question to a citizens' vote. I cannot undo that. But I can be a voice for referendums and restraint in the future.