
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Why I hope people watch the Candidate Forum rebroadcasts.

In the post following this one, I set out the planned QCTV rebroadcast schedule for the candidates' forum. I also note that David Elvig and I were the only participants because of candidate scheduling difficulties for the other two open seats.

Elvig and I run in Ward 1, so many outside of that ward in the City might think watching the rebroadcast is unhelpful. This is not so because the questions go to the heart of planning for the City's future, and the expectations for participation and performance that citizens have - to have a meaningful voice in setting the future (including formulation of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan which will be a roadmap for that future). Also, the session addressed expectations for openess and responsibility in the conduct of City affairs, by the Council, and by City administrators.

The format the League of Women Voters used is their traditional one.

First advance questions they felt of compelling importance, followed by questions from the audience. The first allowed candidates to think in advance and prepare their speaking points. The latter allowed for spontaneous responses, and was the means for citizens in the audience to assure their thoughts were addressed. As with any limited time event, more detail could have been given, and more questions were submitted by the audience than there was time for the moderator to present.

These were the three advance questions:

[1] Ramsey Town Center does not seem to be developing as originally planned. Should the original vision be continued or would you suggest changes? If so, what would they be?

[2] What changes would you like to see included in the Ramsey 2008 Comprehensive Plan?

[3] What do you think are two important issues facing the City of Ramsey and how do you propose to deal with them?

I cannot list the audience questions, for that you have to view the rebroadcast. Yet with those three questions, you can set your own thinking, and see how Elvig and I overlapped your own thinking. Those feeling their questions from the audience were important but not heard have the open comment option with this website, to add personal thoughts and pose questions. All of the other candidates for office in Ramsey are free to comment here also, so that readers should remember this, in case that opportunity is used.

Finally, thanks to the League of Women Voters volunteers who made the Candidate Forum possible.