Thursday, November 17, 2011

Michele Bachmann's Book's page at (You can buy it Kindle, or kindling version).

This link, for eager purchasers, or those only wanting to browse. Amazon's editorial review begins in noncommittal wording:

Michele Bachmann is one of the most compelling leaders in America. But despite all the magazine covers and cable television stories, most people don't know who she really is, where she comes from, or what she believes. So she decided to tell her own story and let the reader decide.

While I have not yet seen published reviews by the savants at The Nation, New York Review of Books or National Review, it appears that there's some evidence Amazon's general-public critics hold split judgments - She told her story so have readers decided? Explore the Amazon pages, and you decide.

For Anoka County libraries users, it appears copies were purchased but are in demand to where no copies are on shelf, available.

This I find very distressing. As noted, I pulled up the Anoka County Library catalog search result for "Michele Bachmann" and did the screenshot of the "1 of 1 items" the search yielded. Self-promotion, published by some vanity house, "Sentinel" out of somewhere in New York. Not an established mainstream publisher of longstanding repute.

Wiley, on the other hand is among the "gold standard" of reputable publishers. And yet my library, the one I depend upon for maintaining a fair and balanced collection, has NO LISTING for this Wiley item:

Am I correct in detecting a whiff of bias? I surely would like to see the collection made more fair and balanced. As all should wish and want. It is only proper.

____________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Well, we all make mistakes. Reading carelessly is one I just made. The Wiley book is not in the Anoka County Library collection because it has not been released by its publisher. I missed the "December 2011" wording on the above Wiley page. The self-serving item is now hot off the press, the debunking response is eagerly awaited.

This screenshot, and any readers who are frequent county library users are urged most strongly to do the same --