Tuesday, December 22, 2009

John Marty. A holiday time email, appending a Strib OpEd. Plus, John Marty, from January, on Health Care.

This will be done via screenshots from the email, first the opening message in the first thumbnail [click it to enlarge and read it]. The op-ed text is in the second.

The email gives a hotlink for the Dec. 5, Strib item Marty authored, (there is not an active link in the image), so click here, to access the published original.

It is a valuable message, and I endorse it. It is online via an earlier Marty op-ed, again in Strib, "Efficiency Inherent in State Health Plan," from January, 2009. It remains for now still online as free archive material.

As long as the STRIB archive item is maintained free online read it there.

Given how healthcare is to me the single most important issue from now onward to more than a decade into the future, a candidate willing to write about it is welcome; and I believe that each of us should read it.

Finally, because I am unclear on STRIB archive policy, when paid-subscribed access is demanded, when not, I have taken a screenshot of the "print-this" version to assure all can read it, (again click to enlarge and read).