Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Okay, property rights people, put up or shut up.

State Sen. Satveer Chaudhary, DFL, District 50, deserves support and respect.

I have heard a lot of talking the talk. Now I want to see them walk the walk. Merlin Hunt, Bob Ramsey, and Matt Look I believe will agree with me. I want more.

I want each to send a supportive email. If they mean things they have said.

Willing seller, willing buyer, a town with parochial aims wants Anoka County to scuttle the deal, but will not step up to the plate and buy the property for the same price.

Easy property rights slam dunk, right? Go for it tigers. Send the emails in support of Anoka Conuty's commissioners butting out of this willing seller - willing buyer thing, right?

Details: First, Anoka County Watchdog woofs true to his standards. He is consistent. He already republished a March 19, 2007 Pioneer Press article by Ramsey's good friend, Dave Orrick. Have a look at buyer, seller and officious intermeddlers, wanting the power to tax land to be preeminent over conservation, environment and hunting interests - as well as property rights of a seller wanting to sell.

I hope the Watchdog weighs in again on the issue, in its reemergence.

People owning wetland or other land worth preservation. DNR wanting to add the protective ownership - by buying at a fair negotiated price. There is no eminent domain taking at issue at all. Again, ready and willing seller; ready, willing and able buyer. And game preservation and permitted hunting on some of the DNR lands that would be expanded. The NRA should love it all too, eh?

But -- there's a villian. Anoka County, Town of Columbus. The right to tax private property and they can't tax the DNR. So - obvious, screw everyone else, kill the deal. Screw property rights, we are talking municipal taxing.

So all you vocal property rights folks - here's the email address for sending that groundswell supportive email traffic:

And anyone liking or caring about wetland preservation, habitat preservation, and natural resource management as a legacy preservation we should not ignore - you write also.

Here, and here, are the most recent stories, PiPress and Strib, respectively. April 5, 2008; in line with the Watchdog's republished item online from a year ago.

See the villians. See the righteous folks. Support the latter. Condemn the former.

And please do let Sen. Chaudhary know you recognize and appreciate his efforts to reform things. Here are his committee assignments, from his page on the legislative website.


Environment and Natural Resources, Chair
Agriculture and Veterans
Capital Investment
Finance - Agriculture and Veterans Budget and Policy Division
Finance - Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Budget Division

When I see one of the good guys, I feel I have a duty to speak up, saying he is one.

Sen. Chaudhary is one.