
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Trump crypto meanderings have sucked the air out of the Harris-Walz campaign, as headline news; while doing little else. Was this the intent all along? Get headlines while showing up the media for the donkeys they are?

 SEARCH = Trump crypto

Yes, the press is biting. Yes, Crabgrass bit the hype (don't expect Crabgrass to buy anything, but so far, nothing is being sold, or offered. But The Donald has headlines).

Would you, readers, buy? If ever something is ever offered for sale? 

"Blue Sky, smiling at me, nothing but Blue Sky, do I see." The song goes on from there. Those are the only words I recall.

Indirectly, this says something about policy toward crypto. Watch. See.

Real news is exploding pagers, not crypto talk. Talk is cheap. Exploding pagers in Lebanon are real. I'll go with the pager news, as real.

This whole press coverage of all talk, and JD Vance is nowhere in the scenario.

He's campaigning, and getting no headlines.

While that's so, Trump is even getting Congress critters to bite - Politico:

Trump’s potential foes this time around include Reps. Maxine Waters, the top Democrat on Financial Services, and Jamie Raskin, the top Democrat on House Oversight.

“The basic problem is that the presidency is not a money-making venture, or it should not be, and Trump from the beginning has regarded it as an extension of his business enterprises,” Raskin told MM last week. “This just multiplies the conflicts of interests and the exposure to more criminal and constitutional problems.”

The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment. Campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said last month that ethics watchdog groups that have raised ethics concerns with the project “are led by Democrat donors and partisans who clearly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

The former president, who spoke in a Q&A at the beginning of the stream, did not address World Liberty, but attacked Vice President Kamala Harris for the Biden administration’s approach to crypto and vowed again to enact industry-friendly policies.

“It’s a very hostile environment right now. The SEC has been extremely hostile, and really going after people,” he said. “I view it differently. I just view it that we have to be the top, no matter what we do.”

Waters called out the Trump crypto venture for attracting fraud during a recent hearing at the House Financial Services Committee, which she is poised to chair if Republicans lose the House. Other Democrats on the panel are eager to dig in. They say that promising pro-crypto policies as his family launches a digital asset company is unethical.

“This makes Clarence Thomas look like Mother Teresa,” said Rep. Brad Sherman, a senior Democrat on the committee.

[bolding in original] 

Next we can watch Trump blow smoke out his ass. Or is that what we've seen already? 


While Trump crypto sucked media attention, this Harris interview was happening. (More substantial than ghost crypto, or pet eating, so pay attention.)

Both got attention. Which deserved it?