
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thinking about Joe Biden

Shortly after November 6 he will know who won or lost. In either event, after that, he should fully pardon Hunter, who apparently has no State cases against him, only federal.

Yes he said he would not. So what? It's his pardon power and up to Jan. 20, 2025, use it or lose it.

And the biggest joy he could reap from doing it, besides his son's appreciation, when all the little Republicans whine about saying he would not do it, he can have the joy of saying what many feel, and say or do not say, "Fuck you, I'm retiring."

He should do that also, to not leave any loose ends for Harris to have to clean up, should she be the winner. 

BOTTOM LINE: After a long career in politics, nothing else really in the work resume, there should be great personal joy to him, were he to do it. Do it, dial into YouTube and play and listen to, "My Way." Play it again. Send the link to his House Republican friends.


Send the My Way link to Rupert's overpaid nattering moron talking heads, email titled, "Fuck you. I'm retired. He's pardoned."

Yes, DC does not seem tuned to that frequency, but on the way out, Joe really really can call the shots.