
Friday, August 09, 2024

Bill Gates, and AI possibly promising the three day work week, vs. JD Vance, and nose to the grindstone Puritan work ethic where too many of us are unfit to handle leisure time and will fall into counterproductive sin and addiction, and be rightly blamed, being poor being our own fault.

 After headlining, we know the thread of the hillbilly from Yale's book praising his family's unique gumption, with the Gates link here. Big question, on the Gates' forecast, would families still need two working adults to be well off beyond poverty level, or would it be one home caretaker, one earner, three days, being enough for a life beyond paycheck to paycheck? 

The item on Gates does not mention the two adult trap. Vance's thing about children artfully dodges the question that Republican bosses are cheap fucks with their laborers to enable themselves to wallow in luxury, to where families now needing two working adults is a norm, or close to it, or paycheck to paycheck the alternative with the future threat being two working adults and still paycheck to paycheck with Americans yearning to have the good life of Koreans or Israelis. 

America First is pure bullshit if it does not really have the promise of single adult earner families, beyond survival pay, as Vance fantasizes. 

Add the AI induced three day week, and life will be better for the next few generations, right? It ain't here now, and we've gotten no closer over four Trump years in the White House; and history teaches. Buy into fantasy promises if it's your thing, but trusting Trump to deliver Nirvana is like trusting things will be better off for everyone if Project 2025 gets enacted. Good luck to you if you believe that. 

The economy is not robust, and several things could plunge the economy  into a worldwide future of Making Depressions Great Again. With hating on the Chinese making no difference, prosperity or the opposite, or perhaps they'll live fat eating our lunches, and a Great Depression is for the rest of us, Western Culture being at fault?

Trump's promises plus his dark warnings about Democrats in power are worth what you pay for them, and he makes promises and warnings free of cost. It's guesswork, so go with your gut level instincts, or your rational worldview, whichever you work under, or think of as applicable to you, reality aside.