
Saturday, July 13, 2024

The post below this one gives one complaint against Donald Trump. His record in office supplies more. Project 2025 and the present Supreme Court are viewed as bad. If Trump is elected, one will go unfixed and the other might be implemented in whole or part.

 Things focus on the November election - which as in 2020, will be about Trump. And about Project 2025. And about the two houses of Congress, their majorities. And the Court. 

First, Trump  - with him losing, much of the remainder of the above worries disappear.

The Court can be packed. Nobody will implement Project 2025, if Trump loses, even if Republicans gain both Houses things will not be in disaster mode. Republicans leading one or both Houses means nothing will get done. Republicans posture so damned much but are do-nothings, as to any chance of positive good.

So, first, as soon as I can early vote I shall vote against Trump and vote Dem down ticket (with one or two exceptions, perhaps). That is all I can do.

Not being Inner Party, and having bad feet weighing against trying to door knock, my vote is my means. I do not phone bank, although that and other GOTV efforts are praiseworthy.

So, Biden staying the candidate or not is not my concern. Nor, really are Gaza or Ukraine. The game almost entirely is to defeat Trump, and then gain whatever else is at stake. As possible. Or not.

Future posting here, when done, will be with the backdrop of seeing defeat of Trump to be a main election goal. The main election goal.

The election will in fact come down to for Trump, or against Trump. That will be so whether Biden, whose presidency has been a success, stays or steps aside.

Trump represents an approach and a set of intentions which are, de facto, now the identical aims and intentions of the Republican Party. They have glommed onto him, and he's self satisfied that it is so. To the point of him and them ostracizing any non-faithful to the First Church of Donald J. Trump, (that being now a de facto religion).

Defeat Trump, or suffer. That is the nutshell version of where November voting will work out. So, when online stuff about Biden's age or gaffes gets heavy, remember what it is all about. Eyes on the prize. Defeat Trump.