
Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Party's Harris euphoria, after pearl-clutching over Biden, exists. It makes it harder, short term, to assess how strong her candidacy will be. I may wait until November, then having a better idea.

Watching a bit of a start of a recent Harris speech, and highlights put onto YouTube by others, I see some of what Harris offers now, but how she may adapt and shift style and emphasis awaits passage of time. Not at all throwing stones at Harris, just, campfire Kumbyah harmony is a bit too much.

Not my thing. Not my folk song. Try this.

Still early. There's time to hone a message and spell out issues.

This is out there, please watch the entire thing --- the most ironic part, NATO and "You gotta pay your bills." and he's known among all reaches of the business world - for not paying his bills - he stiffs people. Taught it to his two sons. Learned it from Fred.

There is time for movement and evolution, but the campaign has to get from feel-good-for-freedom and going-forward-not-going-back puff ads to wtf are the main worries. Something the dark PACs can touch if the campaign remains superficially messaged. 

Another election, dark PAC vs. dark PAC, fear mongering over the other as a threat to our very way of life. Likely the odds are not that severe, but with Project 2025, the intent is to make a seismic change in the administration of the law and the regulation of commerce so the Trump opposition from Harris has to most vigorously oppose Project 2025 overreaching and short term trampling on norms of national order which would be hard to undo other than long term and at great cost. 

As with this Court packed with corporatist rigor and Catholic dogma wanting a controlled people toeing the line, we could have an executive against freedoms and choices. Possibly both houses of Congress could go MAGA where founder notions of checks and balances would then fail to exist to leaven the passions of the winning army. It could be all federal organs of government going MAGA bad.

His way. Our way. Either your way, or get out of the way, is a hell of a future perspective to have to face. 

Nip it in the bud. Or wish later you had. The ads need to get serious.