
Thursday, July 18, 2024

More Vance coverage

 Financial Times, from before the VP decision, and where you know where they're coming from. Expect no criticism, and find expectations met. Quoting the closing paragraphs with more earlier commentary to consider - 

One private equity investor said there was “no question” Trump was “better [than Joe Biden] for Wall Street as well as business broadly”, but added: “He needs to stick to a pro-business agenda and he’ll win . . . we don’t need a Republican Bernie Sanders.”

People close to Vance push back on any comparisons between the Ohio senator and Sanders, a self-described Democratic socialist who has long been a leader on the left.

“Vance doesn’t hate capitalism. He doesn’t hate business. He loves it . . . he loves creation . . . it is not like Sherrod Brown’s or Bernie Sanders’ nostalgia . . . it is not that longing for the static society,” said one longtime friend, referring to the Democrat Ohio senator.

Mark Kvamme, an Ohio-based venture capitalist who has raised money for Vance, described the senator as a “business guy” and a “clear thinker”.

“Some people see him as an ideologue. I don’t see that at all. I see him as a guy who thinks through the issues,” Kvamme said. “He is very methodical.”

Very Catholic too, hating Choice. 

Finally - His Chameleon dimension minimization - just opened his eyes, is all: 

Those same allies are also quick to defend Vance’s journey from Trump critic to Trump loyalist, arguing that the Hillbilly Elegy author who was once feted by coastal elites has always been at his core an ally of the white, working-class community that shaped his early childhood.

As one Republican operative who is close to Vance put it: “He has always viewed himself not as an elite but as somebody who wants to fight for the working class.”

No, I and most others would not in an instant mistake JD Vance for Bernie, nor vice versa. The comparison, one a white populist Conservative, the other a more elderly more open Democratic Socialist populist, with - of all things - experience. 

Cut to the chase. Ask the Vance dude, is healthcare a right or a privilege? Medicare for all, a fine idea or too heavy on the Democratic part, or on the Socialism part? 

Too heavy on both? Two related uncertainties - would the mainstream media we suffer ever even ask, and if asked, how would Vance talk?

What well spoken but hedged reply from a hedge fund man might you expect?


Vance talks a talk. 

What "walk" do you foresee, for his long career in politics and finance, which is just beginning and set upon a path whether Trump wins or loses?

 UPDATE; Do you see him. Vance, as a Browns fan, or a Bengals fan? It seems he and the wife (retired now the day his VP picking was announced from her both-coasts power law firm to raise family in heartland after a fast track career trajectory), live in Cincinnati with the three kids. So tough guess, yes? Bengals. As it should be. Local bias. Fire in the belly and rust on the belt. Wants you to have that great paycheck, but you damned well must earn it, rather than be a lazy fuck hooked on meth. Have a spine like a jar-head, do it and money will come, it will materialize. (Sucking up to Peter Thiel too, might help.)


FURTHER: The Trump - Vance ticket is populist, or, semi-equivalently, offered that way. 

Populism being what? One can take the view, Trump and Vance, respectively, are modern day memes of Engels and Marx, with an aim to really, really rock the boat. For the benefit of the little ones, in the white race. Saying so as if a promise.

The latter the writer with the skills and brain, the former with resources and connections. It just fits!

In this scenario, the dictatorship of the proletariat is around the corner, for the downtrodden, (for the white proletariat at least, Clyburn will have to deal with it), but it will be only if they can defeat Joe Biden. (And Harris). Biden stands with Wall Street and Jamie Dimon, against these Silicon Valley Marxists, who see the means of production as best deployed by those with understanding of productivity and innovation. By Technoprols like Thiel and Musk paying the tab.

Believe that, buy one of those RED MAGA HATS, and attend the rallies as dutifully as Deadheads attended concerts. 

The alternative is they are not little guy mavens, not really, but two humbugs, backed by Silicon Valley capitalism. Versus Biden and Congressional investment trading critters, liking diversity, divide, conquer, identity, with Wall Street finance capital financing their political economy so that Goldman Sachs trumps Google, in the spirit of Obama having Timothy Franz Geithner after Bush went splat with Henry Paulson. 

OpenAI and the swell of AI, open or not, favors those who will grab the reins next January, if it will move product, and after this coming November, we see who gets a four year term and the beat goes on. Is that our sorry fate?

In truth, I like the scenario of Trump and Vance, the pair of them, as Engels and Marx, so I'd have cause to buy a cap, since fate cast me as a prol by birth. 


With politics a repeating cycle, not like an arrow moving in a line, look at these guys.


Beards like that are not now in fashion, neither for Trump, nor Vance. But it is the thought that counts. My thought, it's early and I need another cup of coffee. I am seeing scenarios that are neither fact nor fiction, just playing with - what if.

What if -- As in what if the Tea Party has now evolved into MAGAville and is poised on the very cusp of winning it all for the little guys, with that the real objective, and not an illusion made to delude fools.