
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Life expectancy at the age of 80.

 Twenty year olds might not even think of the question. Reaching 80 this September and voting in November seem reachable for Crabgrass if not croaking sooner.

80 and one of JD Vance's childless miscreants, i.e. a miscreant for being childless and no other reason where he says the ultra-dumb thing that without children we care not for the future. That is like saying the childless care not for educating the next voter group; when the childless pay public school taxes at the same rate as those having broods. Those electing private schooling or home schooling, . . .

In fact, the finite planet which is taking on ever larger masses of people is a cause to praise the childless for having not added to the surge. However, Vance, a Catholic, a Catholic convert even, has biases cutting against human caused Climate Change one thinks, but examination of his dogma seems to chastise white folk far more not producing more of the same. He is in a mixed race marriage, but the MAGA message, reflected by the ethnicity of the recent GOP convention, is overly white. 

Convention crowd scenes reflected that racial bias. Vance is his party's banner carrier, second fiddle, and so extols that which first fiddle rants over, and who they both rant toward - and Trump is a racist.

Politics over, answering the uncertainty of the headline, this NewEngJMed link.

Statistically, I have seven more good ones before going into history; but guessing from bad feet, more likely four or five. With luck that gives me one more voting cycle to vote against Trump, (presuming he looses this one and makes it to another before He croaks). 

Isn't statistics wonderful? If it had told me twice as much likely average, fourteen more, it would be twice as great.

A voting bloc that paid into Social Security and is now drawing it statistically turns more conservative as they are aging. Still, personally being a democratic socialist of the Bernie type, (him being older than I am by a few years), I suppose that statistical trend toward conservative devolution is weighted that way by others. 

As a Democratic Socialist, capitalized or lower case, I care about the earth and its physical global warming future and those living most of their lives into that climate uncertainty. And I care about educated, discerning, informed voters; because other voters are the ones responsible for today not being as good as it could be.

Education, K-12 and beyond should be available to those wanting it and bright enough to get into the real Universities, and not Liberty U., Trump U (since deceased), which is to say there is much mediocrity and fraud in the cobwebbed areas of "higher education." 

Those who do the civil engineering and power grid work to keep the nation humming and floods less severe than otherwise, are a national treasure too infrequently recognized as such. Medical breakthroughs seem to be done by holders of advanced degrees beyond a baccalaureate, and even lawyers, the gum against progress, hold advanced degrees, and are smart regardless of the havoc some of them generate - can you say Presidential immunity or Citizens United? In a perfect world there'd be fewer law schools; Vance still having his elite Yale stay, since he qualified. Just fewer. 

In Altman's Nashville film, as in Mash, the disembodied public address speaker played a part, where in Nashville it was candidate Hal Phillip Walker ranting via the P.A. speaker system about the problem with DC and Congress being too many lawyers there. My guy. Never shown as a person in the film, just the disembodied speaker voicing the man. 

And, yes, digressing from age 80, to other things, Semi-stream-of-consciousness, but the next post will be tighter and focused, and that's a promise you can take to the bank. The bank could care a rats-ass, but you could take it there. End of today's story.