
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

King Abdullah was pissed at the chutzpah and intentions Smotrich showed by a lectern map of "Greater Israel" that included Jordan in its boundaries.

image source: TOI Mar. 2023, "Jordan summons Israeli envoy over ‘racist’ Smotrich speech, ‘Greater Israel’ map"

 Check the lectern. Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, Dead Sea, all in the middle of that "Greater Israel." Check a current regional map if you need to. Smotrich has something in mind beyond the boundaries of Israel today, even that plus the occupied Palestinian territory east of Israel to the river's west bank.

The mind and attitude of a big time land thief, in one of Netanyahu's ultranationalist cabinet minister needed to give Bibi his Knesset majority.

The entire world should be troubled by that depiction and accompanying attidude.

The U.N. Security Council should pass a resolution that bounds of Israel in the future shall remain the bounds of Israel now. Cancel any chance of confusion.

Then the U.N. should do more fixing of something that's broken, Israeli thinking.

The opening paragraph of the TOI item:

Jordan summoned the Israeli envoy in protest of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s speech at a conference in Paris over the weekend, during which he claimed the Palestinian people are an “invention” while standing behind a map of “Greater Israel” that includes modern-day Jordan.

The whole report is worth reading. 

EmptyWheel has a recent and interesting longer-than-usual thread about Israel's bullying and killing Gazans.