
Friday, May 31, 2024

ZIONISM as a topic. Two views. Both items are short, hence non-exhaustive of nuance. However, background helps.

Guardian during Passover Seder time, published a deliberately overstated intentionally provocative questioning, bordering upon critique.

TOI publishes a don't oversimplify response. Neither gets into history being replete with dispositions via might-makes-right population shifts; where Zionism is one of a promised land mythology being the ground from which Zionism was first articulated.

The TOI item is helpful for being an Israeli sourced item saying don't judge a nation as monolitically evil by considering its current government policy and aims and means. 

Were the U.S. judged wholly by Bush Iraq war passions and ways and means and the outcome, we'd be quite harshly judged and if that were the sole criterion, we'd deserve it. Obama got us out of Iraq and Biden got us out of Afghanistan.

While Bush got us into Iraq based upon a lie, WMD being an intentional falsehood, Carter got us into Afghanistan where Reagan really dug the nation into staying there beyond making the Russian Afghan fiasco their "Vietnam," using the euphemism "holy warriors" for jihadist terrorists, but ones we backed (later bringing us blowback).

Israeli post WWII incursion into a lingering British Empire adventure replaced the Brits as hated intruders with European "Displaced Person" Jews no other nation was taking in as refugees. When even ex-Nazi DPs were repatriated leaving the Jews in holding camps, they chose to act on their own with Palestine being ripe for civil war with a 1948 might makes right outcome and the Nakba.

The Israelis' master plan for Tel Aviv differs from its master plan for Gaza. 

Just so you keep perspectives clearly in mind when looking at how Israeli forces are deliberately starving Gazans:


People walk by a large billboard reading "Together we will win" at the Azrieli shopping mall in Tel Aviv. December 19, 2023. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
this ain't Gaza where the only areas this open are bomb craters

TOI fretting over the danger of lacking "strategic cohesion," while Gazans are fretting over empty bellies and death statistics. Different strokes for different folks.

TOI publishes a lot of good stuff, as in where else might your have read of this?

DeSantis folks are not about to tout that level of "proactive public service." Too busy into voter suppression to spend time worrying about  such indiscriminate fiscal adventuring. Anyway, for a good cause. Heathen Terror control. By the Ubermenschen.