
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Robert Reich might be fostering a new paradigm, "Drain the cesspool," instead of, "Drain the swamp."

In a 13 March op-ed item carried by Guardian, Robert Reich, in a wave-the-flag-for-our-side manner touts a belief that we as a nation are headed on a better path, one that is less Republican and more progressinve, fair and promising. Perhaps an overstatement.

In its closing part:

Meanwhile, the United States is projected to become a majority-minority nation within around two decades.

This is not to say that just because someone is a person of color means that they believe in all the progressive values I mention above, of course. Yet overall, people of color are deeply concerned about the nation’s widening inequalities. They’re committed to social justice. They want to act against systemic racism, and they want to protect American democracy.

Unsurprisingly, these trends have ignited a backlash – especially among Americans who are older, whiter, straighter, without college degrees, and male. These Americans have become susceptible to an authoritarian strongman peddling conspiracy theories and stoking hatred.

Trump Republicans want us to be discouraged. They want us to despair. That’s part of their strategy. They figure that if we’re pessimistic enough, we won’t even fight – and they’ll win everything.

But I believe their backlash is doomed. The Republican party has become a regressive cesspool, headed by increasingly unmoored people who are utterly out of touch with the dominant and emerging values of America. And most Americans are catching on.

I don’t mean to be a Pollyanna. We’re in the fight of our lives. It will demand a great deal of our energy, our time, and our courage. But this fight is critical and noble. It will set the course for America and the world for decades. And it is winnable.

There you have it. The Republican party has become a cesspool. Full of unmoored people, out of touch. Drain that cesspool. Drain it dry. As Americans, it is a must-do tasking. To make people and things better and brighter. The American Way.

Just imagine an open cesspool full of Trumps. With a Jim Jordan or two thrown in. Boberts and Greenes. Mitches and Rands. Rudy barely treading water. Within the confines, a place of prominently worn crosses and kaffeeklatsch pearl-clutching mishmash rhetoric delivered from somebody's lovely kitchen table, "unmoored and out of touch" after - and in response to - a Presidential SOTU delivered from Congressional chambers. 

All that in a cesspool. One big giant of a cesspool at pink Mar-a-Lago, where else?

Reich's image rocks.