
Friday, March 29, 2024

Forgive me if I err, but with Lieberman gone, No Labels continues - Nancy Jacobson wanting a soft paycheck?

Jacobson's Wiki.

No Labels Wiki.

AP item, NL + Lieberman dies. 

WaPo - from before Lieberman's death -- Lieberman still listed -- no mention Lieberman died 


Potential 2024 candidates keep saying no, but No Labels is pressing forward anyway


What To Know About No Labels: Shadowy Political Group Raises Alarms Over A ‘Spoiler’ 2024 Presidential Candidate

Mondoweiss -

‘No Labels’ — another Trojan Horse for Israel support without media scrutiny

 Axios - worth the read

Inside the White House's No Labels strategy

TheHill - NL insider writes tying NL to Problem Solver Caucus who are anti-progressive schmucks (my label)


NL. Neo-Liberal? Nuisance lovers?

Shut it. Nail it shut for the national good.

(opinions may differ)


Mark Pocan has written op-ed items about No Labels, HuffPo, TheHill. Gentle criticism, well earned, on point. In that second item Pocan wrote:

No Labels is doubling down on this anti-democratic approach. One of their billionaire donors is Harlan Crow — the same Harlan Crow who has been acting as Justice Clarence Thomas’s benefactor, taking him and his extreme MAGA wife, Virginia Thomas, on trips all over the country

Now why would major Republican donor Harlan Crow give money to No Labels for a third-party candidate? Because he understands it’s all just a ruse to get Donald Trump back into the White House. To cut taxes on the wealthiest Americans. To eliminate regulations for polluters. And to push for an extreme agenda.

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