
Monday, March 18, 2024

Bond, a name resurfaces, EmptyWheel weighs in, all on the Trump side of events.

 CNBC reports Trump lawyers claim Trump is unable to bond the judgment N.Y. AG James attained. Nobody would front the money; nobody would take that risk.

Get out a crying towel? Not me, but you're free to.

Same time, Josh Dawsey of WaPo reports Trump may be looking to hook onto the convicted Paul Manafort, who is remembered to have been pardoned by Trump before Trump's evicting the White House; Trump reported to be considering Manafort for some work of some kind.

Marcy Wheeler and her EmptyWheel commentator community examine the Manafort news, in terms of Manafort's past, and wording Dawsey chose in reporting.

All I know is what I read on the internet. And Dawsey of WaPo told readers:

A Trump campaign spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment. Manafort also did not respond to a request for comment.

So, I know less than if the two quizzed folks had been more open about plans and thoughts. Trump must have nothing to hide. Just, cards kept close to the vest.

UPDATE:  --- 

Trump previously told the appellate court that he doesn’t have the cash to prevent the enforcement of the judgment.

[...] In their filing Monday, Trump’s lawyers said the defendants, including Trump, his adult sons, their business associates and several of Trump’s companies, lacked the cash to secure a bond for the more than $464 million they collectively owe.

“A bond requirement of this enormous magnitude — effectively requiring cash reserves approaching $1 billion — is unprecedented for a private company,” Trump’s lawyers wrote.

They told the appellate court that “very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude,” and that the ones that will won’t accept real estate as collateral, instead requiring “cash or cash equivalents (such as marketable securities).”

[...] Trump’s financial troubles are compounded by the fact that he recently posted a separate $91.6 million bond to prevent the writer E. Jean Carroll from enforcing a defamation verdict while he appeals that case.

It isn’t clear what assets Trump pledged as collateral in order to obtain that bond.