
Friday, January 05, 2024

For the New Year. Rearranging sidebar items. Things atop.

Things get onto the sidebar based on feelings at the time they were chosen.

Some are cynical, not fundamental. Today - 

Atop, the two likely 2024 Presidential ballot choices. Neither perfect, the career politician showing up better than the trainwreck.

Next - Wellstone. Always a shame the man died as and when he did. He would have made an excellent President. There is a nagging dislike that I never got the chance to see him placed where I could vote for him as President; dying while young Bush and Norm Coleman were politicians of the moment.

Next - Why I could not vote for Ms. Clinton, would not, and went third party option. This is a very, very major point, a theme that is timeless, a Promethean thing eating daily at the nation's liver. 

Next - Two issues in sequence. Personal liberty. Voting integrity. Each with a cost and needs and nuance.

Then we are a nation. A flag is a symbol. National matters come before international opinion of what may worldwide be best.

After that, in prior order, good or bad. It simply is as they fell, and then previously were arranged. And everybody sees the header. There is a footer.

The following post is one I had to write, where some might not have otherwise known of Strib's editorial thinking. No other posting - today.