
Thursday, December 07, 2023

Setting a new standard for ignorance among politicians; or otherwise.


You got that correct.

When asked about her thoughts on the matter, Haley took a radical approach and called for banning TikTok as it worked to spread pro-Hamas content in the United States.

Haley claimed, "We really need to ban TikTok once and for all and let me tell you why. For every 30 minutes that someone watches TikTok every day, they become 17% more antisemitic"

Wrap your mind around that. Perhaps an hour a day, 34%? 

And anti-Zionism equals antisemitism? She said that too. Hey, the Arabs are semites, their language a Semitic language. 

The term "antisemitism" is so awful a shibboleth nobody should use it. You say, "Boo!" Some fool will claim you're "antisemitic."

Some are too ignorant - or uncareful of how they speak - that they cast themselves as non-Presidential. However, that has not yet seemed to hurt Trump.

. . . and let me tell you why . . .

She did.  Why nobody should take her too seriously. (Besides the Trump polling lead.)

The surprising thing is people are giving her campaign large amounts of money.

Giving that money despite Trump having a lock on the Republican nomination.

DESPITE: 30 min TikTok = 17% more antisemitic

Dunce hat, and sit in the corner.