
Saturday, December 02, 2023

"Santos' fellow Republicans from New York were front and center in the effort to boot him. Among them were fellow freshmen who serve in key swing districts and had helped the GOP take the House majority. They sought to generate as much political distance as they could from Santos, whose lies about his past made him a pariah in the House before he even took the oath of office."

That's a mid-item paragraph from an AP carry from Strib. Paywalled, but that's the gist of what went on. A pack of wild dogs shows more cohesiveness. Mike Johnson and all the Minnesota Republican Reps except Stauber would have kept the crook. Cohesiveness not being totally absent.

But the New Yorkers. A chance to give a speech and to say, "Not a nice guy like us."

Some might say the nation is heading downhill. 

Another paragraph, "Outside the Capitol, trailed by a crush of reporters and cameras, he quickly ducked inside a vehicle and left." Omitting such important detail as whether he had a cardboard box with him containing his personal desk items. Gentle coverage that way.