
Thursday, December 14, 2023

A Times of Israel op-ed ends up dismissive of any likelihood of a two state solution growing legs among Israelis.

Link. A not encouraging analysis, but sometimes realism can discourage. 

Israel holds the hammer over the future of its national boundaries, and its occupied territories where the IDF currently runs the show while settlements grow. If Israel declines a two state outcome, what options are left to our own nation, after decades of money and policy invested (a/k/a sunk?) there, for what?

Mid-war is not a good time to reevaluate policy and weigh long term outlooks; but a reckoning is overdue and once firing stops in this Gaza incursion, our own nation should examine things. From a perspective of what is in our own nation's best interest, short and long term. If some question aid to Ukraine, that is an easier challenge to resolve than grounding/undergirding Israel regardless of how extensively our policy suggestions are blithely ignored, possibly being mocked behind closed doors.

Whether such a reckoning happens is a separate issue, with separate politics, from whether such a reckoning is a sound idea; perhaps the soundest of ideas.

FURTHER: They have the bomb, and give their citizens a better social network than we give ours. If they care not to listen to us is it not time to cut them loose, on their own, sink or swim; with an international BDS to face; or not? There are other uses to which the annual billions of dollars given them could be put within our own nation.

FURTHER: Isn't it shameful how the MAGA zealots are being totally left by MSM off the hook of having to state policy ideas about these things that are having Biden twisting two ways to Sunday? Shameful how Trump is not pressed -- if you want to be President again, how would you handle the Gazan situation? It really seems a thing intelligent voters might care to see pressed. All MSM does instead is talk of Trump ahead in the polls against insignificant Republican opposition figures. That is treating the public as if they are viewed to all be idiots.

FURTHER: Put this in your pipe and smoke it.

FURTHER: Another link.

Tune time. Have a nice day.