
Sunday, November 26, 2023

We have a harvest feast, and Presidents take the occasion to give speeches. I am glad the two did what they did on a secular holiday within a secular nation, and I can only fault Biden for where he did it.

Breitbart gives us the good news that the secular basis and nature of our nation still maintains an aura of respect even while a Christian Nationalist has been elevated to House Speaker by those who likely, as with Trump, know who John Locke was but will not admit it. Who know, Life, Liberty and Property.


Yes, Breitbart chastises after its opening image for the item:

 President Joe Biden omitted any reference to Almighty God or Divine Providence Thursday in his annual proclamation of the quintessentially American feast of Thanksgiving.

As if you may have missed the gist of the thing from Breitbart's headline right above the image, Breitbart thus repeated itself as if the word "snubs" was unclear. 

Later in its report text Breitbart further made its point:

While remembering firefighters, police officers, first responders, doctors, nurses, scientists, public servants, union workers, teachers, mothers, fathers, and caregivers, Biden conspicuously fails to acknowledge the Source from whom all blessings flow.

That should read "the Source from which many believe all blessings flow." Many do not. Many, in fact, believe a limited planet increasingly populated and subject to man made climate change is at risk, where that planet is fortunately the source from which all blessings and troubles arising from nature flow. 

Recognize it. Breitbart stabs further -

To be fair, however, Biden is not the first American president in recent memory to have refrained from thanking God in his Thanksgiving Proclamation. In 2016, then-President Barack Obama famously chose to give God the cold shoulder by similarly writing Him out of the feast.

Former President Barack Obama (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Thus, while Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump all explicitly recognized Almighty God in every yearly Thanksgiving Proclamation, Biden has now joined Obama in the infamy of secularizing the country’s most religious homegrown holiday.

Note the less pretentious Obama background, while Biden went for church organ pipes and secular brightly lit up light emitting diode bulbs upon a cross (seven bulbs wide, none resting); the bulbs there in case you had trouble otherwise seeing the cross at the pipe center of things. 

And Breitbart in text shamelessly emphasized other presidents who lacked the balls to not be hypocrites on the Thanksgiving speech reach-for-God being on-their-side, much like a subsequent White House resident shamelessly did one of the most categorically disrespectful and insulting things toward those truly of faith (the board behind the gentleman saying ALL ARE WELCOME, which emphatically was not the man's policy):

A stolid and less than comfortable for-the-camera pose; and after much Crabgrass seen-it-somewhere-before deliberation, consider a compare and contrast with what it has come to remind me of. (But with more enthusiasm.)


image source

Yes, another secular nation, founded that way - by revolution - but with differences.

And think about it, that Trump thing - in context - is as as tacky as if Rep. Mike Johnson, an actual believer, were to throw out the first pitch of the baseball season with a Bible in the other hand. (Of course Johnson is not that crude. Few are.)

For us, we should remember and be thankful for the fact that our nation in contrast, enshrines our secular basis within the most sacred seal and document we hold within our ongoing governing culture to be preeminent, and which expressly talks secular.





NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM  --  Read it folks. It is there.