
Friday, November 10, 2023

Their job for which they are licensed is to educate, not to run an Inquisition. Parents, Bravo! Sue the bastards for all they are worth. Public schools cannot do such abridgment of personal freedoms, so why do these private school mongers think they can?

 Without knowing more detail than Strib reported, this link, an outstandingly exemplary lawsuit is being filed to be litigated against PROVIDENCE ACADEMY, in Plymouth, for arbitrary and capricious defamation against students.

Parents are suing. BRAVO. Back up your children when their rights get pissed upon.

It is hard to imagine any credible defense the school can assert against their laying a pile of crap upon young men. 

It is incumbent upon Strib, now that they've given public notice, to follow the litigation to its final resolution. To not simply leave the situation reported at the outset of the actual news - that actual news being how the litigation turns out.

I hope the parents put that school into bankruptcy with a judgment amount fitting the offense. Including punitive damages for the outrage of things done against these young students. Yes, you can say parents who send their kids to such schools deserve what they get, but really, nobody deserves "educators" of this stripe.


Strib has its offensive paywall, so, those with access can follow the link. Strib's facebook page helps, and two much earlier reports mention background info - here and here - but searching the web did not yield any other non-paywalled report of the parents having the excellent judgment to sue over their children being mistreated. If one is found, expect an update.


UPDATE:This much of Strib's content can be presented as fair use, to back the opinion of this post, without abuse of Strib's copyright and paywall intentions:

Four families are suing a private Catholic prep school in Plymouth for expelling their sons and allegedly perpetuating a "false rumor" of their involvement in a sexual assault, according to lawsuits filed this week in Hennepin County District Court.

In the fallout of the allegation last fall involving students at Providence Academy, no arrests or criminal charges have followed. A concerned party reported the alleged assault to police Nov. 10, 2022, a month after five girls and five boys from the academy gathered at a parent's Wayzata home where alcohol was consumed.

Within days, the lawsuits state, all boys were expelled and the girls received a one-day suspension. The next week, the school informed all Providence parents and the media of "serious violations" resulting in "swift and decisive actions after our internal investigation." They also announced an ongoing investigation into the allegation by Wayzata police.

Parents of the expelled students accuse the school and administrators of gender discrimination, defamation and unreasonable discipline inconsistent with school policy.


According to the lawsuits:

A gathering after the school's football game of boys in eighth and ninth grade took place at the Reger home. Parents didn't know some of the students were drinking alcohol, which some later admitted to doing.

A boy and girl there were dating and engaged in consensual physical contact. The girlfriend "insisted" it was consensual and continued dating the boy.

Flanders and other school officials never spoke to the students who were at the party or conducted "any real investigation into the validity of this high school rumor before spreading it to the press, student body, faculty, staff and alumni." Instead, administrators merely asked other students what they "heard" about the party.

Again, these are allegations in litigation, which, if presumed true, are an outrage.

We should wait, however before taking to the road with torches and pitchforks to quell the beast, to see how the litigation unfolds, presuming Strib will do credible follow-up journalism. 

________FURTHER UPDATE_________

A year ago, Strib reported:

Providence Academy, founded in 2001, is a private Catholic college preparatory school for students from prekindergarten through 12th grade. As of the 2020-21 school year, the school has roughly 820 students who come from 72 communities, according to its website.

Gender discrimination is a major worrying point in this saga of youthful normality.

Is it School, or Catholic education policy, to regard young men as if lust crazed rutting goats needing the functional equivalent of electric prods to be managed, while young women are not to be thought of as lustful in heat animals too?

Give me a break. The kids are normal. Not the end of the story,

That earlier Strib item also mentioned:

The alleged assault occurred on Oct. 14 and involved a boy in his early teens as the suspect and a high school-age girl as the victim, Police Chief Marc Schultz told the Star Tribune.

In a follow-up interview, Schultz said there "was a gathering of juveniles" in the home at the time. "I would call it a party," he added.

Police have yet to confirm whether there was any adult supervision, the chief said, repeating his frustrations that the investigation has been hindered by a lack of cooperation from people who could have useful information.

An arrest has yet to be made in an investigation Schultz described as his department's top priority.

"Eventually, should we gather enough evidence to support a charge, we would definitely do that," the chief said. "Given the seriousness of the allegations, I hope to have something wrapped up sooner than later. ... But there is so much time that has passed, [and] some of the folks involved, whether they are juveniles or the parents of juveniles, they are apprehensive right now."

Let me get this right. Boy = suspect, Girl = victim according to the town's top cop?

Chief, are you certain it was not the other way around? Indeed, is perp/victim at all the way the situation should be measured? Is that saying not only the school had a gender bias - expulsion for males, a day's down time for females; but the cops have the same bias disease in their minds. Kids being kids, and perp/victim speech is an insult to human nature. 

The latest report of the lawsuit mentioned the word "consensual." Check it in the quote. Highlighted in yellow to not be missed. Don't these adults running amok understand the meaning of the word? Don't they care? Do they think that irrelevant while doing gender bias suspect and victim speak? What century do these school and police people think we are living in?

Beyond that, town top cop clutches his pearls over folks being unwilling to cooperate. Bless them for being smart. The cops were not their friends.

Town and gown grownups making a laughing stock of themselves - okay - but there were victims - the  expelled males, the disciplined females, the parents, and plain common sense were all big time victim in that instance.

Sue the school and personnel for all they're worth. They earned that. 

_________FURTHER UPDATE________

Thinking caps on readers - might there be some connection to be made between this story and sensible legislators in Minnesota having passed reproductive rights legislation, including abortion availability with parental notice requirements repealed? The one female in the report, her with/without the parents not having to travel to Seattle for a procedure, had something unplanned happened.