
Sunday, November 12, 2023

OHIO reverberations - Republican legislators scheme to gut two approved ballot issues, reproductive rights constitutional amendment approval; and recreational mj approval; where a report states, mid-item, "It is really not the time to alienate voters. But is it ever? The wisest politicians will learn to read the crowd and reach compromise in spite of differences in a reasonable manner and with collaboration."

 The Democratic Minnesota trifecta, State House, Senate, Executive in DFL hands should take heed. The 2024 election is the time to put a reproductive rights MN constitutional amendment on the ballot. Turnout will never be greater in off year elections, and a ballot issue might energize turnout to help the DFL up ballot, down ballot - keeping the trifecta intact.

That is of course opinion. In Ohio, post-election, examines Republican scheming to undo the will of the majority of the people - in effect, indirectly risking a blowback change from a Republican legislative majority to a minority if enough people are pissed off, and the Gerrymandering has not been so effective to insulate the Republican schemers. A quote beyond that of the headline:

Smart politicians will also recognize that Millenial and Gen Z voters show little interest in the two-party system. They tend to support Democratic candidates and lean left on issues, according to Brookings Institute. Within five years, these independent voters will be the majority of the electorate. Both Democrats and Republicans need to wake up and realize the two-party system will likely wane, as this largest generation of Americans takes up the lead.

There are two dynamics, evidenced by the disrespectful post-vote behavior of our Republican leaders in Columbus.

First, they appear to be blind or maybe they simply close their eyes. They are not seeing how voters are evolving. They’re not reading the direction of the political winds that younger voters are generating, and they underestimate the strength of empowered women. They don’t realize their own machinations are going to alienate people, rather than fortify their constituencies.

Secondly, religion is currently conflated with governing. Those who claim their religion determines their policy positions and decisions have mixed the two, and this is slippery-slope stuff. Freedom and democracy are the true foundation of American government, and it all starts with the governed, the people, the voters, us.

The most dangerous thing conservative politicians could do right now is to keep pushing what they assume they can get away with. Their gerrymandered constituencies are on the brink of breaking up, and the masses who have been activated by the fight for abortion rights will always stand guard.

Repeating history makes some of us wiser. Women, in particular, remember how they’ve had to fight for their rights, repeatedly. They stand ready, guarding that for which they’ve worked so hard.

And here’s the kicker – they also stand watch for others. You can count on it. So, you best be careful who you offend, elected leaders.

The majority will roar again, whenever necessary.

Leslie Kouba, a lifetime resident of Northeast Ohio and mother of four completely grown humans, enjoys writing, laughing and living in Cleveland with her wife, three cats and a fat-tailed gecko named Zennis. You can reach her at

 Yes, opinions can differ, and this is an op-ed with a little bit of news mixed in the item before the quoted part. But is it wisdom or folly opinion?

Asked another way, Are U.S. House Republicans suicide bent by pushing Mike Johnson and allied few into a spotlight which has the strong possibility of changing them from majority party to minority?

We can guess all we want, it is an open question, but guessing will set directions of campaigning and by mid-November of next year all the guesses will be answered.

Crabgrass thinking was set out in the opening paragraph. Put a Constitutional Amendment on the ballot, a new addendum to the MN Bill of Rights, definining the rights the majority would think it best to advance. Do it and win is the guess here.

And, Crabgrass fully agrees with the Cleveland outlet writer's focus on young voters and trending because they are not indifferent but instead voting - a development the Democratic party poobahs should notice, cherish and befriend. The worse possible reaction the old farts can offer, "It is our party and they can ask in, but we are not going to do any ass kissing for these less experienced opinionated kids."

That would be fatal error. They are the future, so lock them and their populist progressive tendencies into alliance, rather than alienating them via "we know best and you conform to us, or go away." If facing that, they may go away, and the loss would be devastating to what the nation has a chance to become.


As to the strong Ohio majority popular vote favoring the reproductive rights being an express Constitutional addition, going beyond statute to the basic State's charter, and what it means for national mood trending, the sidebar has been altered, things moved up, for a reason. Atop, a women's march event, in harmony with the Ohio vote. Then, and to me this is a major step, Pamela Anderson taking back her persona, no makeup, showing her unaltered face as it is. Women who are assertive are going to make America better by affirming Ozzie and Harriet outlooks are dead, dead, dead, with the push for fair and equal career access leading the reproductive self determination statements, and now a capture the truth of a person's being away from the Playboy bunny people who end up paying hush money. Then, third picture down, labor being assertive again. Then, two images of what the other side is. Jim Jordan's style of presenting himself, and sell-the-brand-sizzle where the steak can be as mediocre as one accepts. Those captured by sell-the-brand, they camp there and with Jim Jordan, but women who aim to redefine gender outlooks are great. Necessary, and great. Jim Jordan will always be who he is and his folks who they are, as with Mike Johnson and the camp he's from. But what's a better America than equal job opportunities, labor having a voice, and self determination of the face to show the world, paint free, as a message to those profiting from bunny-girl images in a real world where paying hush money is seen and disdained, as well as deplored and mocked? Trump is an embodiment of many bad things, to which too many in the nation are attracted. In a nutshell, we are all better than Trump. We need to strongly say so.